Division H - Suggestions for Students
H.I. Astrology in the Secret Doctrine (Third Edition)
Mythology relates to astronomical, theogonical and human
struggles; to the adjustment of orbs and the supremacy of nations
and tribes. The "struggle for existence" and the "survival of the
fittest" reigned supreme from the moment that Kosmos manifested
into being... Hence:
- The incessant fights of the Gods in all the Old Scriptures.
- The war in Heaven of the ancient mythologies. (S.D. Vol. I, 223)
- Behind this veil... of astrological symbols, there were the occult mysteries of anthropography and the primeval genesis of man. (S.D. Vol. I, 250)
- Astrology existed before astronomy. (S.D. Vol. III, 325)
- Astrolatry or the adoration of the Heavenly Host is the natural result of only half-revealed astrology... Hence, divine Astrology for the Initiates; superstitious astrolatry for the profane. (S.D. Vol. III, 337)
- Primitive astrology is as far above modern astrology as the Guides (the planets and the Zodiacal signs) are above the lamp posts. (S.D. Vol. III, 341) [636]
- Astrology has left its eternal imprint upon the world. (S.D. Vol. III, 342)
- Astrology is built upon the mystic and intimate connection between the heavenly bodies and mankind and is one of the great secrets of Initiation and the occult mysteries. (S.D. Vol. II, 525)
Stars and constellations have an occult and mysterious influence
on, and connection with individuals. And if with the latter, why
not with nations, races and mankind as a whole? This again is a
claim made on the authority of the Zodiacal records. (S.D. Vol. I,
There are records preserved through the Zodiac for
incalculable ages.
(S.D. Vol. I, 709.) - Astronomy, astrology and so on are all on the physical and not on the spiritual plane. (S.D. Vol. II, 667)
- Those philosophers alone who studied astrology... knew that the last word of those sciences was to be sought in and expected from the occult forces emanating from the constellations. (S.D. Vol. III, 214)
There are records preserved through the Zodiac for
incalculable ages.
- "...In the presence of the Eternal conformity of the divisions of the Zodiac and of the names of the Planets applied in the same order everywhere and always and in the presence of the impossibility of attributing it all to chance and coincidence... a very great antiquity indeed must be allowed for the Zodiac. (S.D. Vol. I, 711)
High ceremonial astrology... depends upon the knowledge of the
Initiate of those immaterial Forces and spiritual Entities that
affect matter and guide it.
(S.D. Vol. III, 337) - "...our Earth was created or fashioned by terrestrial [637] spirits, the Regents (the Spirits of the seven planets. A.A.B.) being simply the supervisors. This is the first germ of that which grew later into the Tree of Astrology and Astrolatry." (S.D. Vol. II, 26)
"There are seven chief groups of such Dhyan Chohans. They are the
primeval seven Rays... Hence there are seven chief planets, the
spheres of the indwelling seven Spirits, under each of which is
born one of the human groups."
(S.D. Vol. I, 626) - "There are only seven planets specially connected with the Earth and twelve houses, but the possible combination of their aspects are countless. As each planet can stand to each of the others in twelve different aspects their combinations must be almost infinite." (S.D. Vol. I, 626)
- That which is the surviving Entity in us is partly the direct emanation from and partly those celestial entities themselves. (S.D. Vol. I, 251)
- The descent and reascent of the monad or soul cannot be disconnected from Zodiacal signs... (S.D. Vol. I, 730)
The following five statements are basic
- Each of the Primordial Seven, the first seven rays, forming the manifesting logos, is again sevenfold.
- As the seven colors of the solar spectrum correspond to the seven rays or Hierarchies so each of these is subdivided into seven.
- Each of these Hierarchies furnishes the essence (the soul) and is the builder of one of the seven kingdoms in nature - the three elemental kingdoms, the mineral, vegetable, animal and kingdom of spiritual man. [638]
- Each Hierarchy furnishes the aura of one of the seven principles in man with its specific color.
Each of these Hierarchies is the ruler of one of the sacred
Thus astrology came into existence and has a strictly scientific basis. (S.D. Vol. III, 482)
- All the great astrologers have admitted that man could react against the stars. (S.D. Vol. III, 339)
- This system (or cycles) cannot be comprehended if the spiritual action of these periods - preordained so to say by karmic law - is separated from their physical course. The calculations of the best astrologers would fail, or at any rate remain imperfect, unless this dual action is thoroughly taken into consideration and mastered upon these lines. This mastery can be achieved only-through initiation. (S.D. Vol. I, 703)
- Modern astrologers do not give the correspondences of the days and planets and colors correctly.
- There is white and black astrology... the good or bad results obtained do not depend upon the principles which are the same in both kinds, but upon the astrologer himself. (S.D. Vol. III, 339)
NOTE: S.D. Vol. I, Section XVI and S.D. Vol. III, Section XXXVIII deal with the Zodiac, with Biblical references to the Zodiac and with astrology and the mysteries of Initiation.
1. "Each of the twelve constellations, whether separately or in combination with other signs, has an occult influence, either for good or evil." (S.D. Vol. I, 440) [639]
2. "Enoch, the type of the dual nature of man (spiritual and physical) occupies the center of the astronomic Cross... which is a six-pointed star... In the upper angle of the upper triangle is the Eagle (Scorpio); in the left lower angle stands the Lion (Leo); in the right, the Bull (Taurus); while between the Bull and the Lion... is the face of Enoch, the man (Aquarius)... These are the four animals of Ezekiel and Revelations." (S.D. Vol. II, 561-562) (The Fixed Cross of the Heavens)
3. "The constellations of the Great Bear and of the Pleiades constitute the greatest mystery of occult nature." (S.D. Vol. II, 580)
4. "From the beginning of humanity, the Cross, or Man, with arms stretched out horizontally (the Fixed Cross) typifying his cosmic origin, was connected with his psychic nature and with the struggles which led to initiation." (S.D. Vol. III, 141)
NOTE: All the travels of all the Heroes of antiquity through the signs of the sun and the heavens... are in each individual case, the personification of the sufferings, triumphs, and miracles of an adept before and after initiation.
5. The signs of the zodiac: Each a double sign in ancient
astrological magic - namely: it was Taurus-Eve; and Scorpio was
Mars-Lupa, or Mars with the female wolf... So as these signs were
opposites of each other, yet met in the center they are
connected; ... (S.D. Vol. III, 154)
References in A Treatise of Cosmic Fire. [640]
6. "Until the mystery of the Great Bear is revealed and is known as it is, and until the influence of Pleiades is comprehended, and the true significance of the cosmic Triangle formed by
- The seven Rishis of the Great Bear,
- The seven planetary Logoi of our solar system,
- The seven Pleiades or Sisters,
is revealed, the karma of the seven sacred planets will remain unknown. All that we can see is its working out in the solar system. The intricacy of the whole subject will be apparent when it is borne in mind that not only do these three groups form a cosmic triangle, but that within that triangle many lesser triangles have to be studied. Any one of the seven Rishis with one of the seven Sisters may form a subsidiary triangle, and all must thus be studied." (C.F. 801)
7. "A further factor in cyclic computation lies in the effect of the following stars and constellations upon our system and upon any particular planet within the system:
- The Great Bear.
- The little Bear (Ursa Minor).
- The Pole Star.
- The Pleiades.
- Constellation Capricorn.
- Draco.
And all the other constellations and allied stars of the zodiac. The mystery is hidden in esoteric astrology and until the subject of energy, working through the etheric body, of radioactivity and of the transmutation of all bodies from a lower state into a higher is better comprehended, the true mystery of the "influence of [641] these various bodies upon each other will remain at its present stage - an unrevealed secret." (C.F. 795)
8. Energy in the universe can be differentiated as follows:
- "Inter-cosmic - affecting constellations.
- Interplanetary - affecting planets.
- Interchain - affecting the chains in a planetary cycle.
- Inter-globular - producing interchange of force between the globes of a chain.
- Inter-sectional - affecting the transference of force between the kingdoms in nature.
- Inter-human - interplay between men.
- Inter-atomic - passage of force between atoms." (C.F. 1029)
9. "There must also be borne in mind the play of energy which emanates from any one of the twelve constellations or signs of the zodiac, with which astrology concerns itself. This type of force is primarily concerned with planetary stimulation, with the planetary Logoi, and is hidden in Their cyclic karma - a karma which will incidentally involve those monads and devas which form Their bodies and centers." (C.F. 1052)
10. "These three groups of solar bodies (The Great Bear, the Pleiades and Sirius) are of paramount influence where the spiral cyclic activity of our system is concerned. Just as in the human atom, the spiral activity is egoic and controlled from the egoic body, so in connection with the solar system these three groups are related to the Logoic Spiritual Triad - atma-buddhi-manas - and their influence is dominant in connection with solar incarnation, with solar evolution and with solar progress." (C.F. 1058) [642]
1. "There are seven chief planets, the spheres of the in dwelling seven Spirits. These seven Spirits are:
- The seven chief groups of Dhyan Chohans.
- The seven Primeval Rays." (S.D. Vol. I, 626)
2. "There are only seven planets specially connected with the Earth, and twelve houses, but the possible combinations of their aspects are countless... Each planet can stand to each of the other in twelve different aspects." (S.D. Vol. I, 626)
3. "The names of the Planets are applied in the same order everywhere and always." (S.D. Vol. I, 711)
4. "The Seven Planetary Regents (Planetary Logoi) are 'the Seven Sons of Sophia (Wisdom)'." (S.D. Vol. II, 221, Note)
5. "For Pythagoras the forces were Spiritual Entities, Gods, independent of planets and Matter as we see and know them on Earth, who are the rulers of the Sidereal Heaven." (S.D. Vol. I, 535)
6. "The seven Sons of Light - called after their planets and often even identified with them - namely, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Venus and presumably the Sun and the Moon." (S.D. Vol. I, 628)
7. "The planets have their growth, changes, development and gradual
(S.D. Vol. I, 667)
8. "Plato represented the planets as moved by an intrinsic Rector... one with his dwelling, like a 'boatman in his boat'." (S.D. Vol. I, 535)
- "The planets were not inanimate masses but acting and living bodies."
"The planets were rational intelligences circulating around the
(S.D. Vol. I, 535) [643]
9. "The seven planets have for supreme Spirits, Fortune and Destiny, who uphold the eternal stability of the laws of Nature throughout incessant transformation and perpetual agitation. The ether is the instrument or medium by which all is produced." (S.D. Vol. I, 735)
10. "The seven Gods were divided into two triads and the sun.
- Lower Triad - Mars, Mercury and Venus.
Higher Triad - Moon, Jupiter and Saturn.
(the Moon standing for a hidden planet) (S.D. Vol. II, 484-5)
11. "Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus are the four exoteric planets and three others which must remain nameless (Pluto and the two hidden planets. A.A.B.) were the heavenly bodies in direct astral and psychic communication - morally and physically - with the Earth, its Guides and Watchers. The visible orbs furnish our humanity with its outward and inward characteristics and their Regents or Rectors with our Monads and spiritual faculties." (S.D. Vol. I, 628)
12. "The Trinity was represented by the Sun (the Father), Mercury (the Son), and Venus (the Holy Spirit)." (S.D. Vol. II, 569)
13. "There were seven tabernacles ready to be inhabited by Monads under seven different karmic conditions." (S.D. Vol. II, 223)
14. "Every race in its evolution is said to be born under the influence of one of the planets." (S.D. Vol. II, 27)
15. "The Tradition of the 70 planets that preside over the destiny of nations is based on the occult cosmogonical teaching that besides our own systemic chain of World [644] Planets there are many more in the solar system." (S.D. Vol. I, 718, Note)
16. "The spirit of the planet is as much a creator in his own realm as the Spirit of the heavens (i.e. the form life and the soul life of the planet. A.A.B.)." (S.D. Vol. II, 500)
17. "The seven planets are the Sun's brothers and not his sons." (S.D. Vol. I, 483)
18. "The Planetary Spirits, are the informing spirits of the stars in general and of the planet especially. They rule the destinies of men who are all born under one or other of their constellations." (S.D. Vol. I, 153)
19. "Each of the planets (of which seven only are called sacred because ruled by the highest Regents or Gods) ...is a septenary"... (S.D. Vol. I, 176)
20. The following tabulation is suggestive:
- God the Father - 1st Logos - Electric Fire - Great Bear, Sun.
- God the Son - 2nd Logos - Solar Fire - Sirius, Venus and Mercury.
- God the Holy Spirit - 3rd Logos - Fire by friction - Pleiades, Saturn (C.F. 96)
21. "The planetary Spirit is another term for the Logos of a
planet, Who is one of the "seven Spirits before the Throne of God"
and therefore one of the seven Heavenly Men. He is on the
evolutionary arc of the Universe and has passed many stages beyond
the human. The planetary Entity is on the involutionary arc
and is a very low grade entity. He is the sum total of all the
elemental lives of the planet."
(C.F. 105, Note)
22. "The seven sacred Planets are composed of matter of [645] the fourth ether and the planetary Logoi (the seven Heavenly Men) whose bodies the planets are, function normally on the fourth plane of the system, the buddhic plane." (C.F. 121)
23. "Certain of the planets are to the Logos what the permanent atoms are to man. They embody principles. Certain planets afford only temporary homes to these principles. This is one of the distinctions between a sacred and a non-sacred planet." (C.F. 299)
24. "Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Vulcan are still developing
the mind principle."
(C.F. 403)
25. "Those who are working in the Uranus, the Neptune and the Saturn scheme work somewhat differently to those functioning in the Venus, the Vulcan, the Mars, the Mercury, the Jupiter, the Earth and the exoteric Saturn scheme, and so do the Manasadevas (the solar Angels) of the inner round. We should note here that we again have a triplicity of groups, representing a triplicity of forces and herein lies a hint. In the others, the higher group and the middle group hold sway as these planets are the most occult and sacred in manifestation, and are concerned with egos who are on the Path, and who are therefore group-active. In connection with Uranus, Neptune and Saturn, this might be expected as they are the synthesizing planetary schemes, and provide conditions suitable only for the very advanced stages. They are called the 'reaping' planets." (C.F. 777)
26. "Mercury and Venus, the Sun and the Moon constitute the 'Guardian angels of the four corners of the Earth." [646] Note:
- The sun and moon veil hidden planets.
- These are the four Maharajas, connected with karma, humanity, cosmos and man.
They are the Sun or its substitute - Michael.
They are the Moon or its substitute - Gabriel.
They are Mercury or its substitute - Raphael.
They are Venus or its substitute - Uriel. (S.D. Vol. III, 459)
27. "Saturn - governs the devotional faculties.
Mercury - governs the intellectual facilities.
Jupiter - governs the sympathetic faculties.
The Sun - governs the governing faculties.
Mars - governs the selfish faculties.
Venus - governs the tenacious faculties.
Moon - governs the instinctual faculties." (S.D. Vol. III, 463)
28. "The seven Angels Who preside over the seven planets are the Builders of the Universe. They are the natural Guardians of the seven regions of our planetary system." (S.D. Vol. III, 115)
29. "The seven Builders graft the divine and the beneficent forces
on to the gross material nature of the vegetable and mineral
kingdoms every Second Round."
(S.D. Vol. III, 162; Note I)
30. "The seven planetary Spirits or Angels... are identical with the Dhyan Chohans of the esoteric doctrine and have been transformed into the archangels and the Spirits of the Presence by the Christian Church." (S.D. Vol. III, 160)
31. "The seven chief Deities... are the rays of the One Boundless
(S.D. Vol. III, 229) [647]
32. "Each of the seven chambers of the Pyramid was known by the name of one of the planets." (S.D. Vol. III, 247)
33. "The Kabiri were always the seven planets... who together with their Father, the Sun ...composed a powerful ogdoad." (S.D. Vol. III, 316)
34. "The Ancients knew of seven planets besides the sun... The seventh with two others were mystery planets." (S.D. Vol. III, 316, Note)
35. "The solar system is (from the higher cosmic planes) seen as a vast blue lotus and so on down the scale; even the tiny atom of substance can be so considered... The solar system is a twelve-petalled lotus, each petal being formed of forty-nine lesser petals. The planetary lotuses differ in each scheme and one of the secrets of initiation is revealed when the number of petals of:
- Our earth planet
- Our planetary polar opposite
Our complementary equilibrizing planet
is committed to the initiate." (C.F. 1018)
36. "Within the Hall of Wisdom, there exists a department of which the modern astrological organizations are dim and uncertain reflections. The Adepts connected with it work not with humanity but concern Themselves specifically with "casting the horoscopes" of the various great lives who inform... the kingdoms of nature, with ascertaining the nature of the karmic influences working out in the manifestation of the three planetary Logoi (mentioned under point 35 above)... They progress these various horoscopes [648] for the next stated cycle and Their records are of profound interest. I would conjure students to refrain from attempting to form cyclic computations of any kind for as yet the many constellations which exist only in physical matter of an etheric nature are unknown and unseen. Yet they are potent in influence and until etheric vision is developed, all calculations will be full of error." (C.F. 1057)
37. "A planetary Logos is the meeting place for two types of force, spiritual or logoic, which reaches Him... from the seven Rishis of the Great Bear on Their own plane, and, secondly, of buddhic force which is transmitted via the seven Sisters or the Pleiades from a constellation called The Dragon and from which has come the appellation 'The Dragon of Wisdom'." (C.F. 1162)
Tabulations Related to Astrology
The Rays and the Planets
(According to Besant)
Ray | Method | Planet | Color |
I Will or Power | Raja Yoga |
Uranus (representing Sun) |
Flame |
II Love-Wisdom Intuition |
Raja Yoga | Mercury | Yellow, Rose |
III Higher Mind |
Higher Mathematics Philosophy |
Venus | Indigo, Blue, Bronze |
IV Conflict Birth of man |
Tension Hatha Yoga |
Saturn | Green |
V Lower mind | Practical Science | The Moon | Violet |
VI Devotion | Bhakti Yoga | Mars | Rose, Blue |
VII Magic | Ritual | Jupiter | Bright Blue |
The Sacred and non-sacred planets and the rays:
38. The exoteric non-sacred planets are called in occult parlance "the outer round" or outer circle of initiates. Of these our Earth is one but being aligned in a peculiar fashion with certain spheres (or planets) on the inner round a dual opportunity exists for humanity which facilitates, whilst it complicates, the evolutionary process. The sacred planets are called often the 'seven grades of psychic knowledge' or the 'seven divisions of the field of knowledge'." (C.F. 1175)
The following from The Secret Doctrine Vol. III, page 455, Diagram II, is suggestive, though exoteric and deliberately misleading as the sacred and non-sacred planets are mixed together and many planets omitted altogether,
Planet | Human Principle | Color | Weekday |
1. Mars | Kama-rupa | Red | Tuesday |
2. The Sun | Prana, Life | Orange | Sunday |
3. Mercury | Buddhi | Yellow | Wednesday |
4. Saturn | Kama-Manas | Green | Saturday |
5. Jupiter | Auric envelope | Blue | Thursday |
6. Venus | Manas, Higher mind | Indigo | Friday |
7. The Moon | Linga Sharira | Violet | Monday |
Such "blinds" are frequent and necessary in the occult teaching but they will be used less and less as humanity becomes more spiritually perceptive.
Seven great psychological Lives, qualified by seven types of life force, are manifesting through the medium of seven planets. Five other Lives express themselves through five planets, of which two remain to be discovered.
The Sun (Substituted for Vulcan)
Saturn -
The Moon (Substituted for Uranus)
Pluto -
The Earth
Undiscovered - Undiscovered
This is the Exoteric division.
The Kingdoms of Nature and the Planets. In this cycle:
- The mineral kingdom - Pluto and Vulcan
- The vegetable kingdom - Venus and Jupiter
- The animal kingdom - The Moon and Mars
- The human kingdom - Mercury and Saturn
- The kingdom of souls - Neptune and Uranus
- Synthesizing these five - The Sun [651]
H.IV. The Rays and the Planets
Each of the seven sacred planets (of which our Earth is not one) is an expression of one of the seven ray influences. These seven planets may be enumerated as follows, and the rays working through them are accurately given. The student, however, must remember three things:
- That every planet is the incarnation of a Life, or an Entity or Being.
- That every planet, like a human being, is the expression of two ray forces - the personality and the egoic.
- That two rays are therefore in esoteric conflict in each planet.
It should also be noted that until the mystery of the constellation of the Great Bear is revealed, and until the influence of the Pleiades is comprehended and the true significance of the cosmic triangle formed by:
- The seven Rishis of the Great Bear.
- The seven Planetary Logoi of our solar system.
- The seven Pleiades or Sisters
is also revealed, the destiny and true function of the seven sacred planets will remain unknown. Within this cosmic triangle are many lesser ones. Any one of the seven Rishis with one of our planetary Logoi and one of the seven Sisters can form subsidiary triangles and the combinations possible are many and intricate.
Note: In the occult books there are many enumerations of the planets and many of these are simply blinds and the sacred and non-sacred planets are deliberately intermixed. In the Tibetan's books there are several such enumerations, i.e., the two listed above and the following: [652]
The Seven Planets, Centers or Schemes
- Vulcan - the sun exoterically considered.
- Venus.
- Mars.
- The Earth.
- Mercury.
- Saturn.
- Jupiter.
The Three Synthesizing Planets
- Uranus - 8.
- Neptune - 9.
- Saturn.
The One Resolver
- The Sun.
The first one given above will be regarded as accurate for this world period and will be the basis of our astrological teaching. The informing Lives of the seven sacred planets are called by the following names:
- The seven Planetary Logoi.
- The seven Spirits before the throne.
- The seven Kumaras.
- The seven solar Deities.
- The primordial Seven.
- The seven Builders.
- The seven intellectual Breaths.
- The seven Manus.
- The Flames.
- Lords of Love, Knowledge and Sacrifice. [653]
H.V. The Words for the Signs of the Zodiac
From the angle of form. Natural order. Retrogression through signs.
Pisces Through the Signs to Aries
- Pisces - And the Word said: Go forth into matter.
- Aquarius - And the Word said: Let desire in form be ruler.
- Capricorn - And the Word said: Let ambition rule and the door stand wide.
- Sagittarius - And the Word said: Let food be sought.
- Scorpio - And the Word said: Let Maya flourish and let deception rule.
- Libra - And the Word said: Let choice be made.
- Virgo - And the Word said: Let matter reign.
- Leo - And the Word said: Let other forms exist. I rule.
- Cancer - And the Word said: Let isolation be the rule and yet the crowd exists.
- Gemini - And the Word said: Let instability do its work.
- Taurus - And the Word said: Let struggle be undismayed.
- Aries - And the Word said: Let form again be sought.
From the angle of the soul. Spiritual order. Correct passing through sign.
Aries Through the Signs to Pisces
- Aries - I come forth and from the plane of mind I rule. [654]
- Taurus - I see, and when the eye is opened, all is illumined.
- Gemini - I recognize my other self and in the waning of that self I grow and glow.
- Cancer - I build a lighted house and therein dwell.
- Leo - I am That and That am I.
- Virgo - I am the Mother and the Child, I God. I matter am.
- Libra - I choose the way that leads between the two great lines of force.
- Scorpio - Warrior I am, and from the battle I emerge triumphant.
- Sagittarius - I see the goal. I reach the goal and see another.
- Capricorn - Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back.
- Aquarius - Water of life am I, poured forth for thirsty men.
- Pisces - I leave the Father's Home and turning back, I save.
H.VI. Energies originating within the Solar System
The Solar System
- Entity manifesting - The solar Logos.
- Body of manifestation - The solar system.
- Receptive center - Pole of the central Sun.
- Surface radiation or emanation - Solar prana.
- Movement produced - Systemic rotation.
- Distributive effect - Solar etheric radiation. (Felt cosmically) [655]
The Planet
- Entity manifesting - A planetary Logos.
- Body of manifestation - A planet.
- Receptive center - A planetary pole.
- Surface radiation or emanation - Planetary prana.
- Movement produced - Planetary rotation.
- Distributive effect - Planetary etheric radiation. (Felt within the system)
The Human Being
- Entity manifesting - The Thinker, a Dhyan Chohan.
- Body of manifestation - Physical body.
- Receptive Center - The spleen.
- Surface radiation or emanation - Health aura.
- Movement produced - Atomic rotation.
- Distributive effect - Human etheric radiation. (Felt by environment)
H.VII. The Seven Stars of the Great Bear
References in The Secret Doctrine and A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
- "The seven Rishis are the Regents of the seven stars of the Great Bear, and, therefore, of the same nature as the Angels of the Planets or the seven great planetary Spirits." (S.D. Vol. II, 332, Note)
- "It is the seven Rishis who mark the time and the duration of events in our septenary life cycle. They are as mysterious as their supposed wives, the Pleiades." (S.D. Vol. II, 579)
- "The first 'seven stars' are not planetary. They are the leading stars of seven constellations which turn [656] around with the Great Bear (S.D. Vol. III, 195)
- "In Egypt, the Great Bear was the constellation...called the Mother of the Revolutions, and the Dragon with seven heads was assigned to Saturn, who was called the Dragon of Life." (S.D. Vol. III, 195)
- "In the Book of Enoch, the Great Bear is called Leviathan." (S.D. Vol. III, 195)
- "Our solar system with the Pleiades and one of the stars of the Great Bear form a cosmic triangle or an aggregation of three centers in the Body of the One about Whom Naught may be Said...The seven stars of the Great Bear correspond to the seven head centers of this Great Entity." (C.F. 182)
- "Vibrations (energies) come to our solar system from the seven Rishis of the Great Bear and primarily from those two who are the Prototypes of the seventh and fifth Rays or planetary Logoi." (C.F. 553)
- "Cosmic Avatars 'represent embodied force from Sirius, and from that one of the seven stars of the Great Bear which is ensouled by the Prototype of the Lord of the third major Ray, the third planetary Logos'." (C.F. 723)
- "Cosmic evil from the standpoint of our planet consists in the relation between that spiritual, intelligent Unit or Rishi of the Superior Constellation - the informing Life of one of the seven stars of the Great Bear and our planetary prototype and one of the forces of the Pleiades...In this relation, at present lacking perfect adjustment, lies hid the mystery of cosmic evil...When the heavenly triangle is duly equilibrated and the force circulates freely through one of the stars of the Great Bear, the Pleiad involved and the planetary [657] scheme concerned, then cosmic evil will be negated and a relative perfection achieved." (C.F. 990)
- "Great waves of energy sweep cyclically through the entire solar system from the seven stars of the Great Bear. The strength of these vibrations depends upon the closeness of the connection and the accuracy of the alignment between any particular Heavenly Man and His Prototype." (C.F. 1052)
H.VIII. The Seven Sisters, the Pleiades
References in The Secret Doctrine
- The Pleiades are the supposed wives of the seven Rishis of the Great Bear. They are also the nurses of the God of War, Mars, the commander of the celestial armies." (Vol. II, 579)
"The Pleiades are the central group of the system of sidereal
- They are found in the neck of the Bull, the constellation Taurus.
- They are therefore in the Milky Way.
- They are thus considered (Alcyone, in particular) as the central point around which our universe of fixed stars revolves." (Vol. II, 582)
- "The number seven is closely connected with the occult significance of the Pleiades, the six present and the 7th hidden." (Vol. II, 654)
- "The Pleiades were at one time the Atlantides and connected with Atlantis and its seven races." (Vol. II, 811)
- "One of the most esoteric cycles is based upon certain conjunctions and respective positions of Virgo and the Pleiades." (Vol. II, 454) [658]
From A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
- "The Pleiades are to the solar system the source of electrical energy and, just as our sun is the embodiment of the heart or love aspect of the Logos (Who is Himself the heart of the One about Whom Naught may be Said) so the Pleiades are the feminine opposite of Brahma." (The third aspect) (156)
- "Our solar system, with the Pleiades and one of the stars of the Great Bear, form a cosmic triangle or an aggregation of centers in the body of the One about Whom Naught may be Said." (182)
- "Two other systems, when allied with our solar system and the Pleiades make a lower quaternary." (182)
- "The sun, Sirius, is the source of the Logoic mind (manas) in the same sense that the Pleiades are connected with the evolution of mind in the seven Heavenly Men and Venus was responsible for the coming of mind to the Earth." (347)
- "Sirius, the Pleiades and our Sun form a cosmic triangle." (375)
- "The Pleiades are negatively polarized to our seven schemes." (377)
- "Our seven planetary Logoi are transmitters, via Their seven schemes to the seven stars of the Pleiades." (378)
- "Three constellations are connected with the fifth logoic principle in its threefold manifestation: Sirius, two of the Pleiades and a small constellation whose name must be intuitively ascertained." (699)
- "Three great waves of energy sweep cyclically through [659] the entire solar system from...the Seven Sisters, the Pleiades, from that one in particular who is occultly termed "the wife" of the planetary Logos whose scheme will eventually receive the seeds of life from our planet which is not considered a sacred planet"...(1052)
- "Cosmic evil...consists in the relation between that spiritual intelligent unit or "Rishi of the Superior Constellation," as He is called (Who is the informing Life of one of the seven stars of the Great Bear) and our planetary Prototype and one of the forces of the Pleiades...The Seven Sisters are occultly called the "seven wives" of the Rishis...(990)
References from The Secret Doctrine and A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
- "Sirius was called the 'dog Star'. It was the star of Mercury, or Buddha, called the "Great Instructor of mankind." (S.D. Vol. II, 391)
"The sun, Sirius, is the source of the Logoic mind (manas) in the
same sense as the Pleiades are connected with the evolution of
mind in the Seven Heavenly Men and Venus is responsible for the
coming in of mind in the Earth chain."
(C.F. 347) - "Sirius, the Pleiades and our Sun form a cosmic triangle." (C.F. 375)
- "Our solar system is negatively polarized as regards the sun Sirius, which influences our entire system psychically, via the three synthesizing schemes: Uranus, Neptune and Saturn." (C.F. 378) [660]
- "Vibrations reach us from Sirius, via the cosmic mental plane." (C.F. 553)
- "The Lords of Karma on our system are under the rule of a greater Lord of Karma on Sirius. We are governed by the Sirian Lord of Karma." (C.F. 570)
- "The consciousness of the cosmic mental plane is the goal of attainment for our solar Logos and the Sirian Logos is to our solar Logos what the human Ego (or soul) is to the human personality." (C.F. 592)
- "Three constellations are connected with the fifth logoic principle in its threefold manifestation: Sirius, two of the Pleiades and a small constellation whose name must be intuitively ascertained." (C.F. 699)
Cosmic Avatars "...represent embodied forces from the following
cosmic centers: Sirius, and that one of the seven stars of the
Great Bear which is ensouled by the Prototype of the Lord of the
third Ray, and I our own cosmic center." (C.F. 723)
- Only one Being (from Sirius) has visited our system and that was at the time of individualization.
- They only appear usually and normally at the initiation of a solar Logos. (C.F. 723)
References in The Secret Doctrine
- "Jupiter... is a deity who is the symbol and prototype of... ritualistic worship. He is the priest, sacrificer, suppliant and the medium through which the prayers of mortals reach the Gods." (Vol. II, 49, Note)
- Jupiter is regarded as the "throne of Brahma." (Vol. II, 829) [661]
- "Jupiter is the personification of cyclic law." (Vol. II, 830)
- "The sun used to be called the 'eye of Jupiter.' " (Vol. III, 278)
- "Plato makes Jupiter the Logos, the Word of the sun."' (Vol. III, 279)
- "The Mysteries... were presided over by Jupiter and Saturn." (Vol. III, 152)
- "Occultism makes Jupiter blue because he is the son of Saturn." (Vol. III, 152)
- "The sign of the Messiah's coming is the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in the sign of Pisces." (Vol. III, 152)
- References in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
- "Venus, Jupiter and Saturn might be considered from the standpoint of the present time, as the vehicles of the three super or major principles. Mercury, the Earth and Mars are closely allied to these three but a hidden mystery lies here." (C.F. 299)
- "Venus and Jupiter are closely connected with the Earth and form eventually an esoteric triangle." (C.F. 370)
- "In Jupiter scheme, the Sons of Mind are just beginning their work." (C.F. 742)
Reference in The Secret Doctrine
- In answer to the questions: "What planets of those known to ordinary science, besides Mercury, belong to our system of world...," the reply was Mars and four other planets of which astronomy knows nothing. The inference is that these planets, A. B. and Y.Z. exist in etheric matter. (Vol. I, 187) [662]
- "As to Mars, Mercury and the 'four other planets,' they bear relation to the Earth of which no Master...will ever speak..." (Vol. I, 187)
Mars is in a state of obscuration at present:
- Mars has two satellites to which he has no right. (astral and mental. A.A.B.)
- Mars is a septenary chain. (Vol. I, 188-189)
Mars was the Lord of birth, of death, of generation and
(Vol. II, 410) - Mars was called the six-faced planet. (Vol. II, 399)
References in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
- There is a... "triangle formed by the Earth, Mars and Mercury. In connection with this triangle the analogy lies in the fact that Mercury and the center at the base of the spine in the human being are closely allied." (C.F. 181)
- "Mercury, Mars, and the Earth are closely allied with these three (Venus, Jupiter and Saturn)" (C.F. 299)
References in The Secret Doctrine
"Mercury is just beginning to get out of a state of obscuration.
- Mercury has no satellite.
- Mercury is a septenary chain." (Vol. I, 188-189)
- "Mercury is far older than the Earth." (Vol. I, 180)
- "Mercury is called the first of the celestial Gods, the God Hermes...to which God is attributed the invention of and the first initiation of men into Magic. [663] ... Mercury is Budh, Wisdom, Enlightenment or 'reawakening' in the divine science." (Vol. I, 513)
- "Mercury is the Lord of Wisdom." (Vol. II, 31)
"Mercury is still more occult and mysterious than Venus. It is:
- Identical with Mithra.
- The perpetual companion of the Sun of Wisdom.
- The leader and evocator of souls.
- One with the Sun." (Vol. II, 31)
- "Mercury heals the blind and restores sight, mental and physical." (Vol. II, 571)
"Mercury is sometimes represented:
- As three-headed, because one with the Sun and Venus.
- As a cube, without arms because the 'power of speech and eloquence can prevail without the assistance of arms and feet.' " (Vol. II, 572)
- "The fifth race is born under Mercury." (the Aryan race. A.A.B.) (Vol. II, 32)
- "Mercury is the elder brother of the Earth." (Vol. II, 48)
- "Mercury receives seven times more light than any other planet." (Vol. II, 570)
- "Buddhi and Mercury correspond with each other and both are yellow and radiant golden-colored. In the human system the right eye corresponds with Buddhi and the left eye with Manas and Venus or Lucifer." (Vol. III, 447-448)
- "Mercury is called Hermes; and Venus, Aphrodite and their conjunction in man on the psycho-physical plane gives him the name Hermaphrodite." (Vol. III, 458) [664]
References in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
- "Venus, Jupiter and Saturn might be considered...as the vehicles of the three super or major principles. Mercury, the Earth and Mars are closely allied to these three but a hidden mystery lies here." (C.F. 299)
- "The second hint I seek to give lies in the triangle formed by the Earth, Mars and Mercury. In connection with this triangle, the analogy lies in the fact that Mercury and the center at the base of the spine in the human being are closely allied. Mercury demonstrates kundalini in intelligent activity whilst Mars demonstrates kundalini latent." (C.F. 181)
- "In the middle of the fifth round, the Lord of Mercury will, with the Logos of the Venus scheme and of our Earth, form a temporary triangle of force." (C.F. 371)
H.XIII. The Planet - The Moon (veiling a planet)
References in The Secret Doctrine
- "The moon is now the cold residual quantity, the shadow dragged after the new body, into which her living powers are transfused. She now is doomed for long ages to be ever pursuing the Earth, to be attracted by and to attract her progeny. Constantly vampirized by her child, she revenges herself on it, by soaking it through and through with the nefarious, invisible and poisonous influence which emanates from the occult side of her nature. For she is a dead, yet a living body. The particles of her decaying corpse are full of active and destructive life, although the body which they had formed, is soulless and lifeless." (Vol. I, 180) [665]
- "The Earth is a satellite of the Moon." (Vol. I, 212) (i.e., as the soul is today the satellite of form.)
- "The Moon is the symbol of evil." (Vol. I, 246)
- "The moon is not a sacred planet." (Vol. II, 36)
- "The moon is the king of the planets." (Vol. II, 401, Note)
- "The moon is the sovereign of the vegetable world." (Vol. II, 520)
- "The moon is an inferior body." (Vol. II, 48)
- "The moon is the mind and the sun is the understanding." (Vol. II, 675, Note) (Quoting Shankaracharya.)
"The moon is a dead planet from which all the principles are gone.
It is a substitute for a planet which seems to have disappeared
from view."
(Vol. III, 459)
References in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
- "The moon is dead and cannot support life because humanity and the building devas have been removed from its sphere of influence." (C.F. 93)
- "The moon is in process of disappearance and only a decaying body is left. The life of the second Logos and the first Logos have been withdrawn and only the latent life of matter itself remains." (C.F. 415)
"The moon was:
- The place of systemic failure.
- Connected with the lower principles.
- The source of the sexual misery experienced on our planet.
- Arrested in its evolution by the timely interference of the solar Logos.
- The origin of the feud between the forces of light and of darkness...can be traced back to the moon." (C.F. 985, Note) [666]
References in The Secret Doctrine and A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
- "Neptune does not really belong to our system, in spite of its apparent connection with the Sun. The connection is imaginary." (S.D. Vol. I, 129, Note)
"Among the secret orbs or star Angels... Neptune was not
(S.D. Vol. I, 629) - "Neptune is the God of reasoning." (S.D. Vol. II, 840)
- "Sirius influences our entire solar system psychically via the three synthesizing schemes - Uranus, Neptune and Saturn." (C.F. 378)
- "There is a peculiar group of Beings connected with a certain constellation and the lesser Dragon who have their habitat on Neptune and work with the sixth principle in the solar system." (C.F. 534)
- "The Law of Sacrifice and Death is... in a mysterious way the reverse of the first law, that of Vibration. It is Vulcan and Neptune in opposition which is as yet an almost incomprehensible thing to us." (C.F. 597)
- "No man begins to coordinate the buddhic vehicle until he comes under the influence of Neptune... When this happens, his personality horoscope will show this influence as dominant." (C.F. 899)
- "The Neptunian scheme governs one of the three paths of return and gathers to itself eventually all those egos who attain primarily through handling sixth ray energy." (C.F. 899)
"Neptune -
- Presides over and makes possible the 2nd initiation.
- Is one of the major synthesizing planets. [667]
- Is an absorbing or abstracting planet.
- Is connected with the perfecting process." (C.F. 899)
- "Neptune is the repository of the 'solar flames'." (C.F. 1154)
References in The Secret Doctrine
- "Pluto is a deity with the attributes of the serpent. He is a healer, a giver of health, spiritual and physical and of enlightenment." (S.D. Vol. II, 30, Note)
- "Under the legend, Orpheus seeks in the kingdom of Pluto, his lost soul. Krishna rescues from Pluto his six principles, (Vol. II, 30) being the seventh himself...he is the perfect initiate, the whole of his six principles merging into the seventh." (S.D. Vol. III, 142)
References in The Secret Doctrine and A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
- "Saturn, the father of the Gods, has been transformed from Eternal Duration into the limited period." (S.D. Vol. I, 451)
- "Jehovah was identified with Saturn and Vulcan." (S.D. Vol. I, 632)
- "In time the planet Saturn became reviled by those who worshipped other Gods." (S.D. Vol. I, 631)
- "Saturn was connected with Lemuria." (S.D. Vol. II, 812)
- "Venus, Jupiter and Saturn might be considered [668] from the standpoint of the present time as the vehicles of the three super or major principles. Mercury, the Earth and Mars are closely allied to these three but a hidden mystery lies here." (C.F. 299)
"Venus the Earth and Saturn form at the present time a triangle of
great interest.
- It is undergoing vivification.
- It is increasing the vibratory capacity of the planetary and individual centers." (C.F. 181-182)
- "For some time the solar Logos has turned His attention to the Earth and to Saturn whilst Uranus is being stimulated." (C F. 357)
- "Occultism must win the day before the present era reaches... Saturn's triple septenary of the western cycle of Europe - before the end of the 21st century A.D." (S.D. Vol. III, 23)
- "One of the most powerful among the seven creating Angels of the third order being Saturn, the presiding genius of the planet and the God of the Hebrews... namely Jehovah... to whom is dedicated the seventh day or Sabbath, Saturday or Saturn's day." (S.D. Vol. III, 115)
- "The sign of the Messiah's coming was the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the sign Pisces." (S.D. Vol. III, 152)
- "Saturn was called the Dragon of Life." (S.D. Vol. III, 195)
- "Saturn, Shiva and Jehovah are one." (S.D. Vol. III, 195)
- "Saturn is the synthesizing scheme for the four planets which embody manas pure and simple and is the major [669] resolution for the minor four and eventually for all The Seven." (C. F. 370)
- "Sirius influences our entire solar system, via the three synthesizing schemes, Uranus, Neptune and Saturn." (C. F. 378)
- "Saturn is the focal point for the transmission of cosmic mind to our entire seven planetary schemes." (C. F. 378)
- "The Saturn scheme is esoterically regarded as having absorbed the 'frictional fires' of solar space." (C. F. 1154)
References in The Secret Doctrine
- "The sun is a central star and not a planet." (S.D. Vol. I, 126, Note) (Therefore when it is included among the planets, as it is, it is simply because it stands for or veils a hidden planet.)
- The sun is merely one of those suns which..."are sunflowers of a higher light." It is "dwelling in the vehicle of a God or of a host of Gods, like milliards of other suns." (S.D. Vol. I, 319)
- "The sun is the storehouse of vital force which is the noumenon of electricity." (S.D. Vol. I, 579)
- "The sun was not a sacred planet." (S.D. Vol. II, 26)
"The sun...has its growth, changes, development and gradual
(S.D. Vol. I, 667) - "The sun is matter and the sun is spirit." (S.D. Vol. I, 820)
- "The sun is a great magnet." (S.D. Vol. I, 541)
- "The solar substance is immaterial." (S.D. Vol. I, 542)
- "The sun (i.e. the solar system) has Alcyone in the Pleiades for the center of its orbit." (S.D. Vol. I, 545) [670]
"The Logos with the seven hierarchies form one Power, so, in the
world of form, the sun and the seven chief planets constitute one
active potency."
(S.D. Vol. II, 27) - "The sun, the moon and Mercury were the earliest trinity of the Egyptians (Osiris, Isis and Hermes.)" (S.D. Vol. II, 640)
"The seven rays of the sun are made parallel to the seven worlds
of every planetary chain, and to the seven rivers of heaven and
(S.D. Vol. II, 640) - "The seven rays of the sun will expand at the final pralaya into seven suns and absorb the material of the whole universe." (S.D. Vol. II, 647)
- "The moon is the mind and the sun is the understanding." (S.D. Vol. II, 675)
"The Trinity is symbolized by the sun:
- The central spiritual sun-God the Father.
- The heart of the sun-God the son.
- The physical sun-God the Holy Spirit."
- "It is in the sun, more than in any other heavenly body (i.e. in our solar system) that the unknown Power placed the seat of its habitation." (S.D. Vol. III, 213)
- "The central spiritual sun is mirrored by the...sun. 91 (S.D. Vol. III, 214)
"The sun is one of the nine deities that witness all human
(S.D. Vol. III, 271, Note) - "The sun was the image of divine intelligence or wisdom...The word 'sol' (sun) was derived from 'solus,' the One or He alone, and the Greek name 'Helios' meant Most High." (S.D. Vol. III, 279)
"The visible sun is only the central star but not the central
spiritual sun."
(S.D. Vol. III, 280) [671] - "The sun was the life-giving and the death-giving luminary." (S.D. Vol. III, 288)
"The sun is the substitute for the invisible inter-Mercurial
(S.D. Vol. III, 459) - "The pure energy of solar intelligence proceeds from the luminous seat occupied by our sun in the center of the heavens, that pure energy being the Logos of our system." (S.D. Vol. III, 213)
- There is "the sun of initiation in a triple form - two of which are the 'Day-Sun' and one the 'Night-Sun'." (S.D. Vol. III, 212)
- "All initiates are 'epitomizers of the history of the sun' which epitome is another mystery within the mystery." (S.D. Vol. III, 140)
- "The mystery of the sun is the grandest of all the innumerable mysteries of occultism." (S.D. Vol. III, 212)
The sun:
- "Used to be called the 'eye of Jupiter.' (S.D. Vol. III, 278)
- Plato mentioned Jupiter-Logos, the Word or sun. (S.D. Vol. III, 279)
- The true color of the sun is blue. (S.D. Vol. III, 461)
- The sun was adopted as a planet by the Post-Christian Astrologers who had not been initiated." (S.D. Vol. III, 461)
"This Self, the highest, the one and the universal was symbolized
on 'the plane of mortals by the Sun, its life - giving effulgence
being in its turn the emblem of the soul - killing the terrestrial
passions which have ever been an impediment to the reunion of the
Unit Self (the Spirit) with the All-Self. Hence the allegorical
[672] mystery...It was enacted by the Sons of the Fire-Mist and of
(S.D. Vol. III, 271)
References in The Secret Doctrine and A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
- "Uranus was known by the ancients under another name." (S.D. Vol. I, 126)
- "Cronus (time)... is represented as mutilating Uranus... Absolute time is made to become finite and conditioned." (S.D. Vol. I, 450)
"Among the three secret orbs or Star Angels, Uranus... was not
(S.D. Vol. I, 629) -
Uranus...personified all the creative powers and is synonymous
with Cronus.
(S.D. Vol. II, 281-282) - "Uranus was unknown to the ancients and they were forced to reckon the sun amongst the planets... Uranus is a modern name but one thing is certain, the ancients had a mystery planet which they never named. This 7th planet was not the sun but the hidden divine Hierophant." (S.D. Vol. III, 330)
- "Uranus is now being stimulated." (C. F. 357)
- "Is one of the three synthesizing planets and Sirius influences our entire solar system via Uranus, Neptune and Saturn." (C. F. 378)
- "Uranus is the home of 'fire electric'." (C. F. 1154)
References in The Secret Doctrine and A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
"Venus... has no satellite... and is far older than the Earth."
(S.D. Vol. I, 180 and Vol. II, 35) [673] - Venus is "the little sun in which the solar orb stores his lights." (S.D. Vol. II, 27)
"Light comes through Venus who receives a triple supply and gives
one-third to the Earth.
- Therefore the two are called 'twin sisters.'
- The spirit of the Earth is subservient to Venus." (S.D. Vol. II, 33)
"Venus is the most occult, powerful and mysterious of all the
- Its relation with the Earth is the most prominent.
- It presides over the natural generation of men.
- It is called the 'other sun.'
- It is the Earth's primary or spiritual prototype." (S.D. Vol. II, 33-35)
- "The planetary Logos of Venus loved the Earth so well that He incarnated and gave it perfect laws which were disregarded and rejected." (S.D. Vol. II, 38)
- "Every sin committed on Earth is felt in Venus. Every change in Venus is reflected on Earth." (S.D. Vol. II, 35)
- "Venus...is the light-bearer of our Earth, in both the physical and mystic sense." (S.D. Vol. II, 36)
- "It is with the Regent of Venus (the planetary Logos) that occult mysticism has to deal." (S.D. Vol. II, 36)
- "Humanity (which appeared in Lemurian days)... is said to be under the direct influence of Venus." (S.D. Vol. II, 27)
- "The sun Sirius, is the source of the Logoic mind (manas) in the same sense as the Pleiades are connected with the evolution of mind in the seven Heavenly [674] Men and Venus is responsible for the coming in of mind in the Earth chain." (C. F. 347)
"There is a psychic link between the planetary Logos of Venus and
that of our Earth.
- The Venus scheme is more active than ours.
- Its humanity are more advanced than ours.
- Its radiation includes the buddhic plane as far as its humanity are concerned.
- It could therefore open up, through stimulation, the same plane to our Earth humanity." (C. F. 367)
- "Venus is the second or the sixth scheme, according to whether the schemes are counted mystically or occultly." (C. F. 595)
- "Venus is negatively polarized and hence it became possible for a mysterious absorption by the Earth of Venusian force...the karmic tie between the two planetary Logoi (one in a positive incarnation and the other in a negative) caused a planetary alliance. Light flashed forth." (C. F. 323)
"The Lord of Venus:
- Holds place in the Logoic Quaternary.
- Venus is in the fifth round and is therefore further progressed than the other planets." (C. F. 300)
"At the present stage of evolution in the systemic centers (the
planets) Venus, the Earth and Saturn form a triangle of great
- It is undergoing vivification.
- It is increasing the vibratory capacity of the planetary and individual centers." (C. F. 181) [675]
- "Venus, Jupiter and Saturn might be considered from the standpoint of the present time as the vehicles of the three super or major principles. Mercury, the Earth and Mars are closely allied to these three but a hidden mystery lies here." (C. F. 299)
- "In the human system, the right eye corresponds with Buddhi and Mercury and the left eye with manas and Venus." (S.D. Vol. III, 447 and 458)
- "In the middle of the fifth round, the Logos of Mercury will, with the Logos of Venus, and of our Earth form a temporary triangle of force." (C. F. 371)
- "Venus and Jupiter are closely connected with the Earth and form eventually an esoteric triangle." (C. F. 370)
- "Venus, being in the fifth round, had the mind principle coordinated and developed and four minor mental aspects had been synthesized and the buddhic aspect was being provided with a means of expression through the medium of the fifth principle." (C. F. 376)
- There are three planetary schemes in... "which manas is manifested, and two in which already Buddhi is manasically demonstrating. Of these two, Venus is one..." (C. F. 377)
- "Venus is in her last round and has nearly brought the fourth kingdom to perfection." (C. F. 742)
References in The Secret Doctrine and A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
- "Jehovah was identified with Saturn and Vulcan." (S.D. I, 632) [676]
- "Vulcan is within the orbit of Mercury." (C. F. 206, Note)
- "The Law of Sacrifice and Death is 'in a mysterious way' the reversal of the first law, that of Vibration. It is Vulcan and Neptune in opposition, as yet an incomprehensible idea to us." (C. F. 597)
- "In Vulcan, the sons of Mind have nearly completed their work." (C. F. 742)
H.XXI. Capricorn - Tenth Sign of the Zodiac
Reference in The Secret Doctrine
- "The Dhyanis were connected with the Crocodile and their abode in Capricornus." (Vol. I, 239)
"Capricorn is the 10th sign of the zodiac... and has in it 28
(Vol. II, 609 and 612) -
"There is a mystic connection between the names Makara and
- It means and is connected with the pentagon.
- It represents fivefold man and therefore the five kumaras.
- It is related to the Ocean God.
- It personifies solar fire." (Vol. II, 609-610)
- "Capricorn is connected with the birth of the spiritual microcosm and with the death of the physical universe." (Vol. II. 612)
- "When the sun passes away behind the 30th degree of Capricorn and will reach no more the sign Pisces, then the Night of Brahma has come." (Vol. II, 612) [677]
References in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
- "The mystery of Capricorn is hidden in these five (spiritual man, aspirant, disciple, initiate and adept) and in the Biblical words 'the sheep and the goats'." (706)
- "Once in the history of each scheme, an avatar from the constellation Capricorn appears on mental levels. This level is the lowest one on which these interplanetary deities appear. No more can be communicated on this matter. The mystery of the goat lies hidden here. This avatar makes His appearance in the third round of the third chain and disappears in the fifth round of the fourth chain." (727)
H.XXII. Gemini - the Third Sign of the Zodiac
References in The Secret Doctrine
- "Castor and Pollux, the bright Gemini, were born from Leda's egg." (Vol. I, 392)
"The legend of Castor and Pollux is concerned with the mortal half
of man, the personality, and the immortal part, the ego or
spiritual individual. The personality has nothing in itself to
survive and the other half which becomes immortal in its
individuality by reason of its fifth principle being called to
life by the Informing Gods, thus connecting the Monad with
this Earth. This is Pollux, while Castor represents the personal,
mortal man an animal of not even a superior kind, when unlinked
from the divine Individuality." (Vol. II, 130)
- "Castor owes his immortality to Pollux.
- Pollux sacrifices himself to Castor." (Vol. II, 130) [678]
H.XXIII. Leo - the Fifth Sign of the Zodiac
Reference in The Secret Doctrine
"The esotericism of the first Creative Hierarchy (which is the sixth in reality. A.A.B.) is hidden in the zodiacal sign Leo." (Vol. I, 234)
H.XXIV. Pisces - the Twelfth Sign of the Zodiac
References in The Secret Doctrine
"In Judaism and Christianity, the Messiah is always connected with
water, and with baptism. (Vol. II, 413)
- The second racial initiation.
- The first planetary initiation."
- Pisces ..."shines as a symbol of the past, present and future spiritual Saviors." (Vol. I, 717)
- "Kepler states as a positive fact that at the moment of the Incarnation (of Christ) all the planets were in conjunction in the sign Pisces... the constellation of the Messiah." (Vol. I, 717)
- On the porticos of buildings sacred to votive offerings to the dead, in the Buddhist religion, are ornaments of a "cross formed of two fishes." (Vol. III, 151)
- "The sign of the Messiah's coming is the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the sign Pisces." (Vol. III, 152)
H.XXV. Taurus, the Bull - the Second Sign of the Zodiac
References in The Secret Doctrine
- "All the Sun-Gods... have been mystically connected with the constellation Taurus and were called the First." (Vol. I, 720) [679]
- Taurus is regarded as the central group of the Milky Way.
Note: The Pleiades as the central group of the Bull and Alcyone, one of the 7 pleiades, is supposed to be the star around which our universe revolves.
H.XXVI. Virgo, the Virgin - the Sixth Sign of the Zodiac
References in The Secret Doctrine
"One of the most esoteric cycles is based upon certain conjunctions and respective positions of Virgo and the Pleiades." (Vol. II, 454)
"Virgo is inseparable from Leo and the Pleiades and the Hyades."
In the second solar system, and in connection with the method employed therein, another point merits attention. This fire of mind has its source in a constellation until recently unrecognized by exoteric science as having any relation of an intimate nature to our solar system, owing to its tremendous distance away. The sun "Sirius" is the source of logoic manas in the same sense as the Pleiades are connected with the evolution of manas in the seven Heavenly Men, and Venus was responsible for the coming in of mind in the Earth chain. Each was primary to the other, or was the agent which produced the first flicker of consciousness in the particular groups involved. In every case the method was that of a slow evolutionary growth till the consciousness suddenly blazed forth owing to the interposition of force, apparently from an extraneous source. [680]
- "The Logos - Solar System. Sirius.
- Seven Heavenly Men - Planetary scheme. Pleiades.
- Heavenly Man - earth chain. Venus." (C. F. 347)
H.XXVIII. The Fourth Kingdom and the Hierarchy of the Planet
"Certain facts have already been grasped and realized by the average occult student who has been pondering this teaching with care. He is aware that the juncture of Spirit-matter and mind, or manas, was effected during the third root-race, and that the definitely human family became present upon earth from that date. He knows that this was brought about by the coming, in bodily Presence, of certain great Entities, and he has learned that these Entities came from the Venusian chain, that They achieved the necessary juncture, undertook the government of the planet, founded the occult Hierarchy, and that - though some remain with the chain - the remainder have returned to Their originating source. This in many ways sums up the totality of the present knowledge. Let us briefly enlarge upon it, correct certain erroneous interpretations, and ascertain one or two new facts. We might tabulate these as follows:
First, it should be borne in mind by the occult student that:
- This advent signalized the taking of a physical vehicle by the planetary Logos, and was literally the coming of the Avatar.
That this advent was brought about by a definite systemic
alignment which involved:
The Venus scheme of the system.
The Venus chain of the Earth scheme.
The Venus globe of the Earth chain. [681] - That the planetary Logos did not come from the Venus scheme but from the Venus chain of His own scheme, the Earth scheme. Owing to systemic alignment logoic kundalini could flow through a certain triangle of which two points were Venus and the Earth. This caused an acceleration of vibration, and enabled the Heavenly man of our scheme to take a minor initiation, and to set about His preparations for a major initiation.
Next, it should also be remembered that in considering this matter we must be careful to view it not only as it affects our own globe and its present humanity, but from the systemic and cosmic point of view, or from the angle of its importance to a planetary Logos and a solar Logos. Hence it is a fact that this event was not only the result of the taking of a minor initiation by our Earth Logos, but in the Venus scheme was signalized by the taking of a major initiation by the Venusian planetary Logos on His fifth chain. In connection with a solar Logos it followed upon the stimulation of one of His centers and from the geometrical progression of the fire through the earlier mentioned Triangle.
It has been stated that one hundred and four Kumaras came from Venus to the Earth; literally the figure was one hundred and five, when the synthesizing Unit, the Lord of the World Himself, is counted as one. There remain still with Him the three Buddhas of Activity. I would call attention to the dual significance of that name, "Buddha of Activity," bearing out, as it does, the reality of the fact that Entities at Their stage of evolution are active love-wisdom and embody in Themselves the two aspects. The three Buddhas of Activity have a correspondence to the three persons of the Trinity." (C. F. 386-7) [682]
"The planetary Logos of this scheme is called 'the First Kumara,' the One Initiator, and the statement is made that he came to this planet from Venus, Venus being 'the Earth's primary.' This needs elucidation somewhat, though it may not be permitted to do more than convey a few hints as to the truth. The fact is one of the most mysterious in the development of our scheme, and in it lies hidden the secret of this world cycle. It is not easy to convey the truth and words but seem to veil and cloak.
Perhaps a hint may be given in pointing out that there is an analogy between the coming in of the Ego in full sway and its taking hold at certain periods in the life of a human being. At seven years we are told the Ego "takes hold," and again at adolescence; at twenty-one that hold may be made still firmer. Again, as lives are passed, the Ego (in connection with a human being), grips its vehicles and so sways them to his purpose with more effect and fullness. The same procedure can be seen in relation to a Heavenly Man and His body of manifestation, a scheme. It must be remembered that every scheme has seven chains; that each chain has seven globes, making a totality of forty-nine globes; that each globe is again in turn occupied by the life of the Logos during what we call seven rounds, making literally three hundred and forty-three incarnations, or fresh impulses to manifest. We must add to these major manifestations such lesser ones as those named by us root-races, and subraces, also branch races, and thus we are faced with a complexity that is enough to stagger the average student. The planetary wheel of life turns on its lesser scale the wheel of life of the little pilgrim we call man; as it turns, it sweeps the life of the evolving planetary Logos into ever new forms and experiences until the fire of Spirit burns up all lesser fires. [683]
As earlier pointed out, each Heavenly Man is linked with one of His Brothers under the Law of Mutual Attraction, which manifests so degradingly as yet upon the physical plane, through the life of the human unit, imprisoned in physical form. Psychically the link is of a different nature, and such a link is found between the planetary Logos of the scheme we call Venus, and the Logos of our scheme. This psychic interaction has its cyclic ebb and flow, as ebbs and flows all life force. In Lemurian days came a period of close interaction which brought about an incarnation on the physical planet of the Logos of our scheme, the Head of the Hierarchy, and the One Initiator. This could not have been effected had not the planetary Logos of the Venus scheme been in a position to link up closely with ours." (C. F. 366-7)
"Our solar system, with the Pleiades and one of the stars of the Great Bear, form a cosmic triangle, or an aggregation of three centers in the Body of Him of Whom naught may be said. The seven stars in the constellation of the Great Bear are the correspondences to the seven head centers in the body of that Being, greater than our Logos. Again, two other systems, when allied with the solar system and the Pleiades, make a lower quaternary which are eventually synthesized into the seven head centers in much the same way as in the human being after the fourth initiation." (C. F. 182)
"A clue tending towards the correct understanding lies hid in the words: 'Venus is the Earth's primary.'
It is not permissible to say much about this mystery, that 'Venus is the Earth's alter ego,' nor is it advisable, but certain ideas may be suggested which - if brooded on - may result in a wider grasp of the beauty of nature's [684] synthesis, and of the wonderful correlation of all that is in process of evolution.
Perhaps some idea may be gained if we remember that, in an occult sense, Venus is to the Earth what the higher Self is to man.
The coming of the Lords of Flame to the Earth was all under law and not just an accidental and fortunate happening; it was a planetary matter which finds its correspondence in the connection between the mental unit and the manasic permanent atom. Again, as the antahkarana is built by individual man between these two points, so - again in a planetary sense - is a channel being built by collective man on this planet to its primary, Venus.
In connection with these two planets, it must be remembered that Venus is a sacred planet and the Earth is not. This means that certain of the planets are to the Logos what the permanent atoms are to man. They embody principles. Certain planets afford only temporary homes to these principles. Others persist throughout the mahamanvantara. Of these Venus is one." (C. F. 298)
"It would be well to enlarge here a little on the connection between Venus and the Earth, which is hinted at in some of the occult books, and is somewhat touched upon in this. I have stated that the interaction between the two schemes is due largely to their positive and negative polarity, and I pointed out that a similar relation underlies the relation of the Pleiades and the seven schemes of our solar system, and also the relation of Sirius and the system itself. This, therefore, sweeps into close interaction three great systems:
- The system of Sirius. [685]
- The system of the Pleiades.
- The system of which our sun is the focal point.
making, as we will have noted, a cosmic triangle. Within our system there are several such triangles, varying at different stages; according to their relation to each other, the differentiated force of the different schemes can pass from scheme to scheme, and thus the units of life on the different rays or streams of force become temporarily intermingled. In all these triangles (cosmic, systemic, planetary, and human) two points of the triangle represent each a different polarity, and one point represents the point of equilibrium, or synthesis or merging. This should be borne in mind in studying both the macrocosmic and microcosmic centers, for it accounts for diversity in manifestation, in forms and in quality.
A correspondence might here also be pointed out which may serve to convey light to those who have eyes to see:
The Venus scheme, being in the fifth round, had the fifth principle of manas coordinated and developed, the minor four manasic aspects had been synthesized, and the buddhic aspect was being provided with a means of expression through the medium of the perfected fifth. Our Heavenly Man, in the fifth round, will have attained a paralleling point in evolution, and the fifth principle will, as stated, be no longer the object of His attention as regards the human units." (C. F. 375-6)
Just as Venus is negatively polarized to our Earth scheme, so the seven stars of the Pleiades are negatively polarized to our seven schemes.
A very pertinent question might here be asked. We might justly
enquire (in connection with the point that Venus is negatively
polarized, and also that the Pleiades [686] are equally so) why they
should be termed negative if they are the donors and not the
receivers, for to be negative is surely to be receptive. This is
indeed so, but the question arises in our minds, owing to lack of
information, and consequent misapprehension. Venus may have had much
to do with the impartation of the stimulation which resulted in
great events on Earth via the Venus chain of our scheme, but
our scheme gave, in a mysterious manner, more than was
though the gift was not of the same nature. The coming in of the
Venusian influence to our chain, and to our planet, with the
subsequent stimulation of certain groups in the fourth Creative
Hierarchy, the human, caused a paralleling event of even greater
magnitude in the Venus scheme. This affected the sixth Hierarchy one
of the deva Hierarchies, dwelling in the Venus scheme. This
stimulation emanated via our sixth chain (or the second according to
the angle of vision) and affected the corresponding chain in the
Venus scheme. The magnitude of the difference may be seen in the
fact that in our case, one globe alone was affected, whereas
the influence of our scheme on the Venusian was such that
an entire chain was stimulated. This was brought about
through the positive polarity of the Heavenly Man of the Earth
(C. F. 377-8)
"The statement that the great Kumara or the One Initiator came to this planet from Venus is true in so far as it embodies the fact that He came to this dense planet (the fourth) in the fourth chain from that chain in our scheme which is called the 'Venus' chain, and which is the second chain. He came via the second globe in our chain; His scarcely felt vibration was sensed (occultly) in the second round, but only in the third root-race of the fourth round did conditions permit of His physical incarnation and of [687] His coming as the Avatar. Very reverently might it be said that the first three rounds and the two succeeding root-races in this chain correspond to the period prior to birth; and that His coming in the fourth round with the subsequent awakening of manas in the human units find their analogy in the awakening of the life principle in the unborn infant at the fourth month." (C. F. 371)
H.XXX. Some Hints on the Science of Triangles
"Two hints can here be given for thoughtful consideration. In connection with one of the Heavenly Men (which one cannot at this juncture be pointed out) we have one triangle of force to be seen in the following three centers:
- The force center of which the Manu, and His group, are the expression.
- The center of which the Bodhisattva or the Christ and His adherents are the focal point.
- The center of which the Mahachohan and his followers are the exponents.
These three groups form the three centers in one great triangle - a triangle which is not yet in complete vivification at this stage of evolutionary development.
Another triangle in connection with our own planetary Logos is that formed by the seven Kumaras - the four exoteric Kumaras corresponding to the four minor head centers, and the three esoteric Kumaras corresponding to the three major head centers.
The second hint I seek to give, lies in the triangle formed by the Earth, Mars and Mercury. In connection [688] with this triangle, the analogy lies in the fact that Mercury and the center at the base of the spine in the human being are closely allied. Mercury demonstrates kundalini in intelligent activity, while Mars demonstrates kundalini latent. The truth lies hid in their two astrological symbols. In transmutation and planetary geometrizing, the secret may be revealed."
..."Just as in connection with our planetary Logos, the three etheric planets of our chain - Earth, Mercury and Mars - form a triangle of rare importance, so it may be here said that at the present point in evolution of the logoic centers, Venus, Earth and Saturn form one triangle of great interest. It is a triangle that is at this time undergoing vivification through the action of kundalini; it is consequently increasing the vibratory capacity of the centers, which are becoming slowly fourth-dimensional. It is not yet permissible to point out others of the great triangles... (C. F. 180-182)
"There is a definite occult reason, under the Laws of Electricity, behind the known fact that every initiate, presented to the Initiator, is accompanied by two of the Masters, who stand one on either side of him. The three of them together form a triangle which makes the work possible." (C. F. 210)
..."In all these triangles (cosmic, systemic, planetary, and human) two points of the triangle represent each a different polarity, and one point represents the point of equilibrium, of synthesis or merging." (C. F. 375) [689]
"Another fact that should be noted about these great Beings is, that when viewed in Their seven groups, They form:
- Focal points for the force or influence emanating from the other solar centers or schemes.
- The seven divisions of the occult Hierarchy.
They exist, as does the Heavenly Man Himself, in etheric matter, and
are literally great Wheels, or centers of living Fire, manasic and
electric fire; They vitalize the body of the Heavenly Man and hold
all together as an objective whole. They make a
planetary triangle within the chain, and each of Them
vitalizes one globe."
(C. F. 388)
1. "Two connecting principles are needed. This requires a living spiritual Fire of the middle principle from the fifth and third states of Pleroma. This fire is the possession of the Triangles." (C. F. 681)
2. "Second, just as in the case of man, certain triangles of force are found at different stages of evolution, or (to word it otherwise) different centers become geometrically linked, such as the:
- Base of the spine,
- Solar plexus,
- Heart;
or again,
- Solar Plexus,
- Heart,
- Throat; [690]
so, in the case of a Heavenly Man, or of a solar Logos, a similar event occurs. Such an event transpired in this round in relation to the center which our planetary Logos embodies. It became geometrically linked with two other centers, of which Venus was one, and logoic Kundalini - circulating with tremendous force through this adjusted Triangle - brought about that intensification of vibration in the human family which resulted in individualization." (C. F. 368-369) "A hint may here be given to those who have power to see. Three constellations are connected with the fifth logoic principle in its threefold manifestation; Sirius, two of the Pleiades, and a small constellation whose name must be ascertained by the intuition of the student. These three govern the appropriation by the Logos of His dense body. When the last pralaya ended, and the etheric body had been coordinated, a triangle in the Heavens was formed under law which permitted a flow of force, producing vibration on the fifth systemic plane. That triangle still persists, and is the cause of the continued inflow of manasic force; it is connected with the spirillae in the logoic mental unit and as long as His will-to-be persists, the energy will continue to flow through. In the fifth round, it will be felt at its height." (C. F. 699)
"The heart of the Sun, and its relation to the lower and higher mental bodies, producing that peculiar manifestation we call the causal body. In this connection it must be remembered that the force which flows from the heart of the Sun, works through a triangle formed by the Venusian scheme, the Earth and the Sun. [691]
"That another triangle was also formed involving two planets was to be expected under the law, and the triangles vary according to the scheme involved." (C. F. 664)
"We must recognize another triangle within the Earth scheme, of the chains called "the Earth chain," the Venus chain, and the Mercurian chain, but this triangle entirely concerns the centers of the planetary Logos of our scheme. A systemic formation of great importance in the next round should be pointed out which will bring three schemes:
- The Earth Scheme,
- Mars,
- Mercury,
into such a position in relation to each other that the following results will eventuate:
- A systemic triangle will be formed." (C. F. 390)
"Three of the sacred planets, it should be remembered, are the home of the three major Rays, the embodied forms of the three logoic aspects or principles. Other planets are embodiments of the four minor rays. We might consider - from the standpoint of the present - that Venus, Jupiter and Saturn might be considered as the vehicles of the three super-principles at this time. Mercury, the Earth and Mars are closely allied to these three, but a hidden mystery lies here. The evolution of the inner round has a close connection with this problem. Perhaps some light may be thrown upon the obscurity of the matter by the realization that just as the Logos has (in the non-sacred planets) the [692] correspondence to the permanent atoms in the human being, so the middle evolution between these two (God and man) is the Heavenly Man, whose body is made up of human and deva monads, and Who has likewise His permanent atoms. Always the three higher principles can be distinguished in importance from the four lower." (C. F. 299)
"Those who are working in the Uranus, the Neptune, and the Saturn scheme work somewhat differently to those functioning in the Venus, the Vulcan, the Mars, the Mercury, the Jupiter, the Earth and the exoteric Saturn scheme, and so do the Manasadevas of the inner round. We should note here that we again have a triplicity of groups, representing a triplicity of force, and herein lies a hint. In the central list of schemes the middle and lower group of Agnishvattas are active. In the others the higher group and middle group hold sway as these planets are the most occult and sacred in manifestation, and are concerned only with egos who are on the Path, and who are therefore group-active. In connection with Uranus, Neptune and Saturn, this might be expected as they are the synthesizing planetary schemes, and provide conditions suitable only for the very advanced stages. They are the 'reaping' planets," (C. F. 777)
"The planets Venus and Jupiter are exceedingly closely connected with the Earth, and form eventually an esoteric triangle." (C. F. 370)
"Each of the planets - of which seven only were called sacred - whether known or unknown, is a septenary, as is also the chain to which the Earth belongs..." (S.D. Vol. I, 176) [693]
The Dense Physical Planets:
- Earth - 4th Chain - 4th Globe
- Jupiter - 3rd Chain - 4th Globe
- Saturn - 3rd Chain - 4th Globe
- Mars - 4th Chain - 4th Globe
- Vulcan - 3rd Chain - 4th Globe
- Venus - 5th Chain - 5th Globe
- Mercury - 4th Chain - 5th Globe" (C. F. 373)
H.XXXI. Planets, Rays and Esoteric Teaching
- Uranus (7th) - The School of Magic of the tenth order. It is sometimes called 'the planet of the violet force,' and its graduates wield the power of cosmic etheric prana.
- Earth (3rd) - The School of Magnetic Response. Another name given to its pupils is 'The graduates of painful endeavor' or the 'adjudicators between the polar opposites.' Its graduates are said to undergo examination upon the 3rd subplane of the astral plane.
- Vulcan (1st) - The School of Fiery Stones. There is a curious connection between the human units who pass through its halls and the mineral kingdom. The human units on the earth scheme are called 'the living stones'; on the Vulcan they are called 'fiery stones.' [694]
- Jupiter (2nd) - The School of Beneficent Magicians. This planet is sometimes called in the parlance of the Schools, the 'College of Quadruple Force Units', for its members wield four kinds of force in constructive magical work. Another name given to its halls is 'The Palace of Opulence' for its graduates work with the Law of Supply and are frequently called the 'sowers.'
- Mercury (4th) - The pupils of this planetary school are called 'The Sons of Aspiration' or 'The points of Yellow Light.' They have a close connection with our Earth scheme. The name of this school is not given.
- Venus (5th) - The School with five strict Grades. This again is a planetary scheme closely related to ours. Its planetary Logos is in a more advanced group of cosmic students than is ours. Most of its hierarchical instructors come from the 5th cosmic plane.
- Mars (6th) - The School for Warriors, or the open grades for soldiers. Four of these planetary schools are responsible for the energy flowing through the 'four castes' in all parts of the world. Its teachers, ore spoken of as 'Graduates of the Ruddy Flame' are frequently portrayed as clothed in red robes...They work under the first logoic aspect and train those whose work is along the lines of the destroyer. [695]
- Neptune (6th) - This school concerns itself with the development of the desire element and its graduates are called the 'Sons of Vishnu.' (C. F. 1177-1179)
The Schools on Saturn, the Sun, the Moon and on Pluto are not given but complete the twelve planets.