A Treatise on the Seven Rays - Volume 3 - Esoteric Astrology
Division D - The Sacred and the Non-Sacred Planets
There is, as you may imagine, little that I can say on this matter for it concerns one of the great and major mysteries of initiation. It deals with and is related to the spiritual status of the planetary Logoi, those great Beings in Whom all forms of life on all planets live and move and have their being. It is concerned with Their point in evolution, with Their goals and objectives upon the cosmic Path and with the initiation for which They - in Their incomparable and incomprehensible livingness - are preparing.

Basically it might be said that a planet is regarded as "sacred" when its informing spiritual Life has taken five of the major cosmic initiations and that a "non-sacred" planet is one whose planetary Logos has not taken these initiations. This is an inadequate definition and is only in any way to be understood, if you bear in mind that initiation is a process of developing inclusiveness.

  1. Man is becoming inclusive in the planetary sense; the five major initiations which he eventually takes give to him a range of awareness which is infinitely beyond anything of which he can conceive at present. These initiations endow him with the "freedom of the planet." He is then responsive to all states of consciousness within the planetary ring-pass-not, and is becoming sensitive to extra-planetary perception. [504]
  2. The Logos of a non-sacred planet is becoming inclusive in His consciousness to all that is found within the solar ring-pass-not. He is establishing an esoteric "understanding relation" with all that lives within the body of manifestation of a solar Logos and is likewise registering a sensitive response to the quality of the Life which informs the Sun, Sirius. He has taken three cosmic initiations.
  3. The Logos of a sacred planet transcends the knowledges, reactions and responses which are purely those of the solar system, is conscious of or vitally responsive to the life of Sirius and is beginning to respond consciously to the vibratory influences of the Pleiades. You need here to bear in mind in this connection that the Pleiades - though they are regarded as embodying the matter aspect in manifestation - are in reality and literally the expression of that Principle of Life which we call vitality, prana in its various stages or degrees, ether or substance.
    The Logos of a sacred planet has taken five cosmic initiations.
  4. The Logos of a solar system is esoterically called the "Sacred Triangle of all-inclusive Force" because this great Being includes within His focused awareness the fields of expression of the Great Bear, the Pleiades and Sirius. They are to Him what the heart, the head and the throat centers are to the developed initiate on this planet. He has taken those initiations of which the highest initiate upon our Earth has no faintest conception. Forget not, that I have told you elsewhere that there are divine aspects and divine characteristics which are [505] as yet totally unrevealed even to the most advanced humanity. No human being of a lower degree to that of the third initiation can even faintly sense and dimly react to these underlying factors in the existent divine manifestation. Today, the significance of will and its distinction from determination, strength and fixed intention is only just beginning to be understood. Just as a discussion of the intuition or of the nature of the eternal revelation would be utterly meaningless to the savage in the darkest part of the undeveloped areas of the world, so would a discussion of these unknown divine attributes be equally meaningless to you. All that you can comprehend (and that with the utmost difficulty) is the three divine aspects - will, love and intelligence. There are others, for our Logos is a sevenfold Being and four remaining aspects are as yet unrevealed to humanity, though sensed by the Hierarchy. These are "objectives of esoteric spiritual attention" by the Logoi within the solar ring-pass-not.

You will see, therefore, that the section of our teaching upon which we are now entering will be necessarily brief, because we shall be dealing with factors which must remain incomprehensible. It is consequently a waste of your time and mine to do more than touch very briefly upon such matters. Some understanding of the distinction between a sacred and a non-sacred planet will come if you can realize that there is a paralleling correspondence between the consciousness of the initiate (up to and including the third initiation) and the consciousness of the Logos of a non-sacred planet. Soul and body, consciousness and form are blended and a [506] definite fusion is taking place. Two divine aspects are in process of intimate relation. The disciple brings about this relationship within his little system, and the planetary Logos on a far larger scale within His range of influence and control. In this process He carries with Him all the four kingdoms in nature. For both these lives - microcosmic and macrocosmic - this fusion produces Transfiguration, the third initiation. The Logos of a sacred planet has carried the divine work further along and is occupied with the task of synthesizing into one unit of conscious response and activity, the higher divine aspect, that of the Monad, the will aspect. When this is accomplished, will, love and intelligence are blended and spirit, soul and body are at-one. Then the quality of the divine expression will be divine purpose, impulsed by will, motivated by love and carried forward with intelligence.

Astrologers should here note that, in their work, they have not duly taken into consideration (when dealing with the twelve houses or mansions of the soul) whether the planet is sacred or not. The effect of the influences of a sacred planet or a non-sacred one are very different, for one will affect primarily the life in the three worlds whilst a sacred planet will aid in the processes of affecting the fusion of soul and body, of consciousness and form; it will also produce the quickening of the intuition (the spiritual soul) which is the lower aspect of the Monad. The sacred planets are, as you know, seven in number:

  1. Vulcan
  2. Mercury
  3. Venus
  4. Jupiter
  5. Saturn
  6. Neptune
  7. Uranus [507]

The non-sacred planets are only five:

  1. Mars
  2. The Earth
  3. Pluto
  4. The Moon, veiling a hidden planet.
  5. The Sun, veiling a planet.

It is interesting here to note that the non-sacred planets rule the first, the fourth, the fifth and the eighth houses in the lesser zodiac. Our Earth is also a non-sacred planet. You have, therefore, four non-sacred planets, controlling or ruling a fifth non-sacred planet - a correspondence to the four aspects of the lower man. You have there, first the physical outer shell, the etheric or vital body, astral body and the mental body, plus a fusion with the fifth body, the personality. The task of our planetary Logos and of all advanced human beings is clearly to be seen. From a larger and more synthetic attitude, you have the four kingdoms in nature and the veiled fifth kingdom, the kingdom of God. From still another angle you have:

  • Aries - ruled by Mars.
  • Cancer - ruled by the Moon, veiling a sacred planet.
  • Leo - ruled by the Sun, veiling a sacred planet.
  • Scorpio - ruled by Pluto.

You will note that Pluto and not Mars is here mentioned by me as a non-sacred Planet, ruling Scorpio. The reason for this is that there is a relation between Mars and Pluto analogous to that between Venus and the Earth. Esoterically speaking, Mars is the alter ego of Pluto; the activity of Pluto at this time and in this lesser world cycle is very important on account of its esoteric approach to the Earth, impelled thereto by the vivification of its life by a display of Martian energy. The Earth, Mars and Pluto [508] form an interesting triangle with Venus behind the scene acting as the impelling soul acts towards a rapidly integrating personality. This triangle should not be forgotten when casting the horoscope, because it indicates a relation and a possibility which can be (though it often is not) a major determining factor, prior to passing on to the Probationary Path. The four houses, governed by the four non-sacred planets (not counting the Sun) are "houses of the personality, mundanely oriented" and the reason is not far to seek. The seven remaining houses, governed by the seven sacred planets are not so purely material nor are they so exoterically oriented, yet all the twelve indicate limitation or that which withholds the Dweller in the mansion from expanding his consciousness, if he permits himself to be imprisoned by them. On the other hand, they offer opportunity if he is oriented towards the higher life.

I might again point out that Mars is the transmitter of sixth ray force and it is this which makes the first house of action in the physical body that of the devotee who fights for that which he desires or for that to which he aspires. The warrior, devoted to a cause, comes into being upon the field of action, the Earth, which is itself an expression of the third Ray of Intelligent Activity. Aries, the first house, and Mars and the Earth initiate conflict, focused in a form.

Again, the Moon is the ruler of Cancer and is related to the fourth ray, and rules the fourth house. Here you have the idea of form being the custodian of a living spiritual essence, of the home, whether the home is the fourth or lowest aspect of the personality or the fourth kingdom in nature, but all ruled by the fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict - a harmony to be wrought out within the form on Earth. The Sun, the transmitter of the energy of the second ray, [509] rules the fifth house or mansion of the soul, the causal body in this case; the force of Leo is also involved, the force of the self-conscious soul. The spiritual man, aware of his identity says in this house: "I am the eternal cause of all relation. I am and I exist." The dualism of the second ray is first realized in the fifth house by man, the embodied fifth principle.

Pluto, transmitting first ray energy, rules Scorpio, the sign of discipleship, of the man ready for the fusion brought about through the influence of the sacred planets, and governs the house of major separations and of death. "The arrow of God pierces the heart and death takes place." But in this connection it must be remembered that death is definitely brought about by the soul. It is the soul which shoots the arrow of death. (The upward pointing arrow is the astrological symbol of Pluto.)

It is only in the present cycle that the Sun and Moon "veil" certain planets and are the exoteric symbols for certain esoteric forces. As evolution proceeds, the planets will not be veiled. Their influences will not be so remote. At present the mechanism of the majority of the human family is not tuned to the reception of the rays from Vulcan, Uranus or Neptune whilst Pluto at present only evokes response from groups or from those disciples who are enough evolved rightly to respond. The three veiled planets - Vulcan, Uranus and Neptune are all sacred planets, embodying first, seventh and sixth ray energies. Vulcan is never an exoteric ruler and only comes into real activity when a man is on the Path, whilst Uranus and Neptune are rulers of the eleventh and twelfth houses, and govern Aquarius and Pisces. The implications will be clear to you.

It is not my intention to deal with the houses in detail. Modern astrologers have worked this out relatively [510] satisfactorily, for the houses concern the prison of the soul and its limitations, and with these there is a widespread familiarity. As you know, I am concerned with the astrology of the soul and with the influences of the esoteric planets.

Three suggestions I will however make:

  1. If the investigating astrologer will substitute the esoteric planets for the orthodox exoteric planets (and I have indicated these in connection with the signs of the zodiac) he will get much instructive information, and (if he perseveres) the verification of my ideas.
  2. If he will distinguish between the effects of the sacred planets and the non-sacred he will find the sacred planets endeavor to fuse the personality and make it the instrument of the soul and the non-sacred planets influence more specifically the form nature; much light on the pull between the pairs of opposites may then pour in.
  3. If he will study the "fluid area" where the planets, veiled by the Sun and Moon, come into play and will realize that he must decide (from a study of the chart of the subject and any knowledge he may have) what is the point in evolution reached and which of the three veiled planets is the ruler, he will get much intuitive understanding. He will find himself able to throw much light upon the problem of the probationary disciple when considering the exoteric rulers and upon the problems of disciples when dealing with the esoteric rulers.

If the astrologer will consider these three points and will be willing to experiment with them, a great stride forward into the unveiling of the astrology of the soul will take place. He will find it useful also to work out the higher correspondences to the material realities for which the houses stand. For instance, I will give you some idea of [511] these correspondences in connection with the first two houses:

  • First House:
  • Physical body or form - The causal body of the soul.
    Appearance or manifestation - The emergence of the soul.
    The head. Brain - The head center.
    Personal activity - Soul expression.
    Mannerisms, etc - Ray types and qualities.

  • Second House:
  • Finances. Monetary interchange - Prana.
    Expenditures - Use of energy.
    Possessions - Control of the form.
    Losses - Withdrawal from matter.
    Gains - Acquisition of spiritual powers.

The other ten houses you can work out for yourselves. It is interesting to note, for instance, in connection with the second house (and the same idea can be applied to all of them) that Taurus, the mother of illumination, and Venus, the endower of mind plus the embodied soul, are related and active in this house. The light of matter and the light of the soul are both involved in the use of energy and in the problem of what is desired, what is regarded as loss, and what shall be the gained objective. It is, therefore, the house of values - material or spiritual.

D.I. The Centers, the Rays and the Signs

We come now to a consideration - brief and inadequate but I hope suggestive - of the centers as they are related to [512] the planets, viewing these planets as expressions of and transmitters of ray influences. You will realize that I am only dealing with the interplay between the planets and the centers where man is concerned and only in a broad and general sense because that interplay is dependent upon

  1. The point of evolution.
  2. Whether the focus of the life is
    1. Below the diaphragm.
    2. Above the diaphragm.
    3. In process of transference from the lower to the higher.
  3. The rays of the personality and the soul.
  4. The condition of the centers and whether they are awakened, awakening or as yet undisturbed.

Only these generalizations are possible, owing to the vastness of the subject and the immensity of detail in the world of effects. Another complication lies in the fact that though there are seven major centers, there are twelve planets which - in time and space - condition the centers. It is the centers of initiates which are ruled only by the seven sacred planets; among average men, some of the sacred planets dominate and some of the non-sacred. In undeveloped man, the five non-sacred planets control, with the head and the heart centers under the rule of two sacred planets, which planets being determined by the rays of the soul and of the personality. As the ray type does not emerge until there is some measure of advanced development, it will be obvious to you that the theme is thereby complicated still further; that dogmatic assertions are not possible until such time as the astrologer is sure of the two major rays of the subject. [513]

Certain basic assertions can nevertheless be made:

1. All the centers are governed by one or other of the rays.

2. The rays use the planets as transmitting agencies and we know which rays - in this world cycle - are related to the different planets. As given earlier, they are as follows:

  • Sacred Planets
    1. Vulcan 1st ray
    2. Mercury 4th ray
    3. Venus 5th ray
    4. Jupiter 2nd ray
    5. Saturn 3rd ray (veiling a hidden planet)
    6. Neptune 6th ray
    7. Uranus 7th ray
  • Non-sacred Planets
    1. Mars 6th ray
    2. The Earth 3rd ray
    3. Pluto 1st ray
    4. The Moon 4th ray
    5. The Sun 2nd ray

3. Ordinary humanity is ruled by the exoteric planets; advanced humanity, disciples and initiates by the esoteric planets.

4. The Sun sign - with the exoteric planetary rulers - rules the personality, indicates inheritance and equipment and is a summation of that which has been, thus providing the background.

5. The rising sign, with the esoteric planetary rulers, indicates soul purpose and points the way to the future, offering opportunity.

6. The horoscope, built around the Sun sign, is adequate for ordinary humanity. The exoteric planets rule and the man lives within the limitations of the twelve houses.

7. The horoscope built up around the rising sign, with the esoteric planets ruling, will convey the destiny of the [514] disciple. As I told you, the disciple will later be responding to the influences of the twelve arms of the three Crosses as they pour their influences through the esoteric planetary rulers via the twelve houses.

8. The Sun sign, governed by the ruling esoteric planets and the rising sign governed also by the esoteric planets, can both be used in casting the horoscope of the initiate; when superimposed upon each other, the outer life of the initiate in the three worlds and the inner life of subjective realization will appear. This mode of superimposition will be a feature of the new astrology.

9. When the Sun sign, with the exoteric rulers, is worked out in a chart, the rising sign with the esoteric rulers is also worked out and the two are superimposed upon each other, the problem of the disciple in any one incarnation will appear.

If these statements are added to the three I earlier gave you, you will have twelve suggestions as to the lines along which new astrological investigation can run, providing proof of the accuracy of astrological deduction and the guarantee of the truth of what I tell you.

It is just as impossible to determine which of the planetary influences are conditioning the centers in the fourth kingdom in nature or in the Earth (viewing it as the vehicle of the planetary Logos) as it is in man, the individual, unless the point in evolution is known and it can be determined upon which stage of the Path of Return the Dweller in the form - macrocosmic and microcosmic - is standing. The whole subject is constantly shifting and changing, just as the individual human being is constantly changing his focus or is to be found working first in, one area [515] of his "body of force" (the three substantial bodies) and then in another.

Each changing personality sees a different ray force enter and each ray governs or transmits its forces through one or other of the seven centers; the Sun sign in each incarnation will be different, leading necessarily to a different rising sign and therefore to a complete new set of planetary influences. Thus the centers in the vital body come under varying pressures and stimulation. In one life, the stimulation applied may tend to vivify the solar plexus or to drive its energies upward into its higher point of transference, the heart center. In another, it may be seen to be focused in the throat center, and by indirect activity affecting the sacral center and - under the major Law of Attraction - producing a raising of the force to the higher creative focus.

As you well know theoretically, the Science of Occultism is the Science of Energies and of the forces upon which they make their impact; this, when concerning man, the individual, and the centers within the human vehicle (major and minor) leads to the Science of Laya Yoga or of the force centers. These again, according to astrological deduction, come under the influence of certain planetary rulers. These relate them in turn to certain great Triangles of Force, formed of three major conditioning constellations. Therefore, the emphasis laid upon the Science of Triangles and its including Science of Esoteric Astrology; this must inevitably take shape in terms of energy, received, transferred and used, and throw light upon the abstruse factors which condition the centers and thus make man what he is at any one time. It is a statement of fact that the world of the occultist is the world of energy, of forces, of their origin, their point of impact and the methods of their [516] assimilation and transference or elimination. Unless, however, there is some scientific method of comprehension, some mode of adapting the life to these factors and some process of experimentation in order to prove the fact, the statement remains relatively useless to the intelligent human being; it remains in the form of an hypothesis, to be proved or disproved. The man who is attempting to master his lower nature and has the goal of expressing his innate divinity requires a golden thread whereby he can find his way out of the caverns of bewilderment and the areas of speculation and enquiry. This process of investigation, deduction and proof, the Science of Esoteric Astrology and its subsidiary sciences will eventually provide. The foundation is already laid. What I here give can provide another step forward and further light. It might here be stated that until the antahkarana (the bridge of light between the higher and the lower minds, between the Spiritual Triad and the threefold personality) is being definitely constructed, these sciences will remain obscure to the average intellect. Once, however, the intuition can come into action, via the antahkarana, light will gradually begin to pour in. The world must begin to accept and give weight to the conclusions of its intuitives; they have ever taken the first needed steps in the unfoldment of the human consciousness. It is the complexity of detail which primarily is responsible for the confusion. The intuition (as the philosopher understands it) is the ability to arrive at knowledge through the activity of some innate sense, apart from the reasoning or logical processes. It comes into activity when the resources of the lower mind have been used, explored and exhausted. Then, and then only, the true intuition begins to function. It is the sense of synthesis, the ability to think in wholes, and to touch the world of causes. When this becomes possible, the [517] investigating astrologer will find that the complexities of the problem will disappear and the details fall into obvious position and in such a manner that the sumtotal will appear in a blinding light of surety. At present students cannot see the wood for the trees, as the proverb says, and that proverb is right. These sciences are mutually interpreting.

During the life cycle of humanity through which we are now passing, in the relation between the centers and the rays and, therefore, between the centers and the planets, it will be found that the centers are governed by the following rays:

  • Average Man - Exoteric Planets
  1. Head Center - first ray - Pluto
  2. Ajna Center - fifth ray - Venus
  3. Throat Center - third ray - Earth
  4. Heart Center - second ray - Sun
  5. Solar plexus Center - sixth ray - Mars
  6. Sacral Center - seventh ray - Uranus
  7. Base of Spine - first ray - Pluto
  • Disciples. Initiates - Esoteric Planets
  1. Head Center - first ray - Vulcan
  2. Ajna Center - fifth ray - Venus
  3. Throat Center - third ray - Saturn
  4. Heart Center - second ray - Jupiter
  5. Solar plexus Center - sixth ray - Neptune
  6. Sacral Center - seventh ray - Uranus
  7. Base of Spine - first ray - Pluto

To these rays must be added (in both groups of human beings) the fourth ray which governs humanity itself as a center in the body of the planetary Logos, thus bringing all the ray influences into a sevenfold stream of energy, playing upon the lower self in the three worlds or upon those who are, entering into or are a part of the fifth kingdom in nature. Intensifying the problem for humanity as a whole is the problem of the individual within that whole. To the influences to which he is subjected as an individual through his [518] past and his own peculiar horoscope and to those in which he shares as a part of the fourth kingdom in nature must be added the effects of his two major rays (personal and egoic). These indicate his type of mechanism and his soul quality. It must not be forgotten either that his seven centers are in close relation to the planetary centers and that he is conditioned not only by the centers in his own nature and their rays but also by the centers found within the human kingdom and also by the planetary centers. With these we will now proceed to deal.

D.II. The Races, the Rays and the Signs

The theme we will now consider is one which is of general interest but not of individual moment. Arguing as one ever must from the universal to the particular, it is essential that humanity relates its own mechanism to the greater mechanism through which the planetary Life functions and views his soul as an infinitesimal part of the world soul. It is necessary for him, therefore, to relate his Sun sign to his rising sign and his soul to his personality, viewing both as aspects and integral parts of the human family. This will be increasingly the case. This process is beginning to demonstrate in the steadily expanding group, national and racial consciousness which humanity is today demonstrating - a consciousness which shows as a spiritual inclusiveness or as an abnormal and wicked attempt (from the standpoint of the soul) to fuse and blend all nations into a world order, based on material issues and dominated by a material vision. There was nothing spiritual in the vision of the leaders of the powers which were called the Axis powers. But the spiritual intent of mankind is slowly growing and the great Law of Contrasts will eventually bring illumination. [519]

I make these references to the present world situation because unless what I have to say is practical in value during this century of destiny, I might as well work at other modes and methods of raising the human consciousness. But there are those who see the issues clearly and will make due application of the imparted truths and for them I write.

Our theme concerns the planetary centers, the rays and the signs which govern and control them. I would first of all call your attention to the following facts which will bear repetition:

  1. Our Earth, being a non-sacred planet, is in process of becoming a sacred planet. This means an interim of upheaval, chaos and of difficulty.
  2. This transference out of the lower states of consciousness, expressed through the lower centers, into a higher state, can and will take place in this world period and in this century if humanity so wills it, if the Forces of Light eventually triumph and if the new world order comes into being. This it will do if the lessons of the war are learnt and right action follows as a result.
  3. Three factors must also be borne in mind:
    1. The whole problem is vaster than anything the human consciousness can grasp, because it concerns the life experience and a point of crisis in the life of the planetary Logos.
    2. He, the Lord of the World, is releasing new energies into the form aspect, i.e., into the Life and the lives of the various kingdoms in nature. Humanity, being the most developed - both from the angle of the mechanism and of consciousness - is the point of greatest response. The mineral [520] kingdom, through the excessive use of its form in the meeting of war necessities - munitions, ships, and planes, etc. - is being profoundly affected as are buildings, for instance, in blasted cities; the vegetable kingdom is almost as deeply affected through the destruction of vast areas of forests, fields and wide spaces of vegetation.
    3. The Shamballa force, thus pursuing its work of destruction, is an aspect of the will and intention of the planetary Logos but its first and primary effect has been to stimulate the will-to-power and the will-to-have of certain great and unspiritual groups. Later this will aspect will evoke the will-to-good and the will-to-build and to this humanity will respond on a large scale. Thus the evil which is now being spread abroad by the opponents of the Forces of Light will be neutralized by the fixed intention of the men and women of goodwill to work for the good of the whole and not for any one part.

It might, therefore, be said that what is truly taking place in the world today is the transference of the energy of the planetary solar plexus to the planetary heart center. The forces of cupidity, aggression, glamor and greed will be transmuted in the present furnace of pain and fiery agony and will be raised into the heart center. There they will be changed into the power of sacrifice, of inclusive surrender, of clear vision of the whole, and into cooperation; this is an aspect of the principle of sharing.

When I say these words, I am not speaking idealistically or mystically. I am pointing out the immediate goal; I am indicating a problem of our planetary Deity; I am giving [521] you the clue to a scientific process which is going on under our eyes and which is today at a point of crisis.

As this is the Aryan or fifth root-race (and I do not use this term in the German, materialistic and untrue sense) there are today in the body of Him in Whom we live and move and have our being, five focal points of spiritual energy, expressing themselves through five awakened centers in that body. These five are:

  1. Geneva - The European continent.
  2. London - The British Commonwealth of Nations.
  3. New York - The American continent.
  4. Darjeeling - Central and Western Asia.
  5. Tokyo - For the Far East.

Today, these five centers are being abnormally and deliberately stimulated and vitalized. The energy which flows from them is profoundly affecting the world, holding great hope for the future but producing most disrupting and disastrous effects where the material side of human life is concerned. There are two centers in the planetary Life which are as yet relatively quiescent as far as any world effect is concerned. To them I assign no other focal point beyond hinting that within the continent of Africa one will some day be found and later still (many millions of years ahead) another will be discovered in the region of Australia. It is, however, with the five centers in this fifth root-race that we are concerned.

The force which the center at Geneva is expressing (at present ineffectually, though later a change will come) is that of the second Ray of Love-Wisdom, with its major emphasis at this time upon the quality of inclusiveness. It is concerned with the "binding together in brotherly love" and [522] with the expression of the nature of service. This planetary center, which conditions the little country of Switzerland, has had a most potent effect upon that country; a study of these effects will demonstrate future possibility for the world, once the flow of its energy is less obstructed. It has produced the fusion of three powerful racial types in group formation and not through admixture as in the United States; it has enabled two relatively antagonistic divisions of the Christian faith to work together with a minimum of friction; it has made Geneva the origin of the Red Cross - that world activity which works impartially with and for the nationals of all countries and for the prisoners of all nations; it housed that sad though well-intentioned experiment which was called the League of Nations; it is that which has protected that small country from the aggressive sweep of the Axis powers. The motto or note of this center is "I seek to fuse, to blend and serve." The force which is centered in London is that of the first Ray of Will or Power in its building aspect and not in its destroying aspect. It is the service of the whole which is being attempted at great cost and the effort is to express the Law of Synthesis which is the new emphasis, pouring through from Shamballa. Hence the fact that the governments of many nations found asylum in Great Britain. Likewise, if the Forces of Light triumph because of the cooperation of mankind, the energy expressing itself through this powerful empire will be potent in establishing a world order of intelligent justice and a fair economic distribution. The keynote of this force is "I serve," as I told you earlier in this treatise (see the last page of A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Vol. I).

The force expressing itself through the center, New York, is the force of the sixth Ray of Devotion or Idealism. [523] Hence the conflicts everywhere to be found between the varying ideologies and the major conflict between those who stand for the great ideal of world unity brought about by a united effort of the Forces of Light, backed by the cooperative effort of all the democratic nations and the separative materialistic attitude of those who seek to keep the United States from assuming her responsibilities and her rightful place in world affairs. This latter group, if they succeed in their endeavor, will deny the United States her share in the "gifts of the gods in the coming age of peace which will succeed this present point of critical suspension," as the Old Commentary phrases it. The sixth ray is either militant and active, or mystical pacific and at present futile, and these two aspects at present condition the United States. The keynote of this world center is "I light the Way" and this is the privilege of the States if its people so choose and permit worldwide humanitarian, self-sacrifice (self-initiated) and firm decision to stand by righteousness to govern their present attitudes and policies. This is slowly coming to pass and the selfish voices of the blind idealists, the fearful and the separative are dying out. All this is happening under the inspiration of service, motivated by love. Thus the two major democracies can eventually restore world order, negate the old order of selfishness and aggression and usher in the new order of world understanding, world sharing and world peace. Peace will be the result of understanding and sharing and not the origin of them as the pacifists so often imply.

The force pouring through Darjeeling at this time is that of the first Ray of Will or Power. The egoic ray of India is the first ray and hence the immediate effect of the inpouring Shamballa force is to stimulate the will-to-power of all dictators, whether they are the would-be world [524] dictators such as Hitler and his group of evil men, ecclesiastical dictators in any religion, business dictators in any business group in any part of the world or those minor dictators, the tyrant in the home. It is interesting to note that the keynote of India is "I hide the light" and this has been interpreted to mean that the light pours forth from the East, and that the gift of India to the world is the light of the Ageless Wisdom. This is true in a sense, but there is a wider and deeper sense in which it will prove true. When the intent and purpose of the great Life which works through Shamballa is carried out and is in process of expression, a light will be revealed which has never yet been seen or known. There is a word in the Christian Scriptures which says "In that light shall we see light"; this means that through the medium of the light of wisdom shed abroad in our hearts through the Ageless Wisdom, we shall eventually see the Light of Life itself - something meaningless and inexplicable to humanity at present but which will be later revealed when the present point of crisis is surmounted. Of its nature and its effect, I have naught to say to you at present.

I would like here to interpolate some remarks. It is of deep moment to realize that Great Britain and the United States are closely related and that this relation makes certain realities and activities inevitable, once the soul of each nation is functioning potently; and that India and Great Britain are related through the first ray personality of Great Britain and the egoic ray of India. The implications are clear and interesting and also encouraging. The consciousness aspect of the British people is steadily shifting into an expression of their second ray soul and hence their seizing upon the opportunity at this time to serve humanity at immense cost. The same thing is happening to the American people. The problem of shifting idealisms is great, as I have [525] said, and the temptation is to hide behind the glamor of fighting for an ideal rather than react to world need, and to omit to react to the ray of the soul which is the second ray of love.

The forces flowing through Tokyo are those of the first Ray in its lower materialistic aspect. Japan is governed by the soul ray in the consciousness of its leaders. Its sixth ray personality is responding to the call of the first ray energy; hence all the present unhappy attitudes and activities, and hence also, its link with Germany through the soul ray of both nations and with Italy through the personality rays. Hence, therefore, the Axis.

I would here point out that in these interrelations is no inevitable fate or unavoidable destiny. The aim of the individual disciple is to handle the forces which play through him in such a manner that only constructive good can eventuate. He can misuse energy or employ it for soul ends. So it is with nations and races. The fate of the nations lies in the hands of its leaders usually; they marshal the nations forces, focus the national intent (if intuitive enough) and develop the characteristics of the people, leaving in fact behind them the memory of symbols of national intent, ideals or corruption. This could be seen working out in a demonstrable way in the two great guiding groups of world leaders: The three Axis groups of leaders, dominated by the evil German group, with Italy and Japan fighting at intervals (consciously seldom but unconsciously often) against the evil influence, and the second group - the leaders of the Allied Cause who represent their nations. No matter what past history may indicate in connection with many of the allied nations (past aggressions, ancient cruelties and wrong doing), they sought to cooperate with the Forces of Light [526] and endeavored to salvage human freedom - political, religious and economic.

I would also point out in passing that the two major divisions of the world - the Occident and the Orient - are also governed by certain ray energies, as follows:

The Occident:

  • Soul Ray - Ray II
  • Personality Ray - Ray IV

The Orient:

  • Soul Ray - Ray IV
  • Personality Ray - Ray III

I would remind you that we are in a period of shifting rays and that they change both for individuals and nations, for hemispheres and planets. All can move off a minor ray on to a major if destiny decrees. A study of the above tabulation will give much light to the inter-human relation. Three great countries hold the destiny of humanity in their hands at this time: The United States of America, Great Britain and Russia. Great fusing, racial experiments are going on in all these lands; the rule of the people is being developed in all of them though it is as yet in an embryonic stage. In Russia it is being retarded by a dictatorship which will shortly end; in the States by corrupt politics and in Great Britain by ancient imperialistic tendencies. But democratic principles are being developed, if not controlling; religious unity is being established though it is not yet functioning and all three countries are learning very rapidly, though the United States at present is learning the most slowly.

The Occident and the Orient are linked through the personality ray of the Occident and the egoic ray of the Orient and this indicates eventual understanding once the second ray occidental soul becomes the dominant factor. When these various relationships are somewhat grasped by the peoples of the world you will get the clue to the various happenings taking place today and will understand the goal [527] and the method of its attainment more clearly. There is much deep research work to be done, for the science of energy relationships is yet in its infancy. The next few years will see it gain. What is really happening is a shift in the human consciousness from its focus on individual energies, functioning through some specific ring-pass-not (individual, national, continental or racial) to a grasp of their interrelation and effects upon each other. This science can be studied in various ways:

  1. From the angle of antagonisms which seem inevitable and which can be accounted for by the ray energies and which can be offset by soul energies rightly employed.
  2. From the angle of identity of forces, leading inevitably to identity of interests and activities.
  3. From the angle of fusion, of unity, of vision and of goals.
  4. From the angle of humanity as a whole. If it is remembered that humanity is primarily governed by two rays (the second and the fourth) it will be found that those nations and countries whose governing rays are also the second and the fourth must and will play an important part in determining human destiny.

Therefore, through the five major centers in the planet today, spiritual energy is streaming forth, and according to the vehicle of expression which receives its impact so will be the reaction and activity and so will be the type of consciousness, interpreting and using it. The ancient occult truism remains accurate: "Consciousness is dependent upon its vehicle for expression and both are dependent upon life and energy for existence." This remains an immutable law. [528]

The five cities which are the exoteric expression of the esoteric center of force and through which the Hierarchy and Shamballa are seeking to work are the correspondence in the planetary body to the four centers up the spine and the ajna center in the body of humanity and of individual man. In all three cases, they are "living, vital, focal points of dynamic force" to a greater or less extent. Some predominantly express soul energy and some personality force; some are influenced by Shamballa and some by the Hierarchy. The head center of the Occident is beginning to react to second ray energy and the ajna center to fourth ray energy and in this lies the hope of the race of men.

D.III. Planetary and Systemic Centers

I have given you here and elsewhere in my writings all that it is at this time possible to give anent the planetary centers and the rays, including the rays of nations and of races. You will find a wealth of information hidden in my various statements if due search is made and the material is gathered together into a coherent whole. I would ask you to study and compare, to read and search topically and to extract all that I have said about the various nations, their governing constellations and their planetary rulers. There is a wide field of research here. This research will fall into several categories:

1. Research into the nature of man's centers, the nature and influences of their governing planets, their interrelation from the energy angle and the quality of the ray forces which are seeking expression, plus a knowledge of the personality and egoic rays. Out of this will come an understanding grasp of the human constitution [529] which will reveal all relationships and produce two basic "events in time":

  1. The blending of the subjective and objective life of the individual in the waking consciousness.
  2. A new relation established between men which will be based upon the above fusion.

2. Research into the various national centers and their esoteric ruling energies, revealing in a more universal manner and with a wider horizon the destiny of humanity in relation to its group units, large and small. The soul and personality qualities of nations will be studied, the centers within each nation which focus certain ray energies will be noted, and the qualitative emanations of its five or six major cities will be investigated. Let me here give you an instance of what I mean: the influences of New York, Washington, Chicago, Kansas City and Los Angeles will be the subject of scientific research; the psychic atmosphere and the intellectual appeal will be studied, effort will be made to discover the soul quality and the personality nature (the spiritual and the materialistic tendencies) of these great aggregations of human beings which have come into expression in certain fixed localities because they are expressions of the force centers in the vital body of the nation. Similarly, in connection with the British Empire, a study will be made of London, Sydney, Johannesburg, Toronto and Vancouver with subsidiary studies of Calcutta, Delhi, Singapore, Jamaica and Madras which are all subjectively related in a manner unforeseen by students at present. Under the plan and contingent upon the energies pouring through the five planetary centers according [530] to plan, there are three great fusing energies or vital centers present upon our planet:

  1. Russia, fusing and blending eastern Europe and western and northern Asia.
  2. The United States (and later South America) fusing and blending central and western Europe and the entire western hemisphere.
  3. The British Empire, fusing and blending races and men throughout the entire world.

In the hands of these nations lies the destiny of the planet. These are the three major world blocs from the consciousness angle and from the angle of world synthesis. Other and lesser nations will participate in the process with full independence and cooperation, voluntarily and through the perfecting of their national life in the interests of the whole of humanity, and through the desire to express and preserve their soul integrity and their purified national purpose (which purification is now going on). The keynote, however, of human living will be struck by Russia, Great Britain and the United States - not because of their power, their historical past and their material resources or territorial extent but because they are in a position to fuse and blend the many types, because they are far-visioned in their world purpose, because they are not basically selfish in their intent, and because the government of the peoples reaches down into the depths of each nation and is fundamentally for the people. Their basic Constitution, Magna Charta and Bill of Rights are human. Other nations will be gradually swept into line with these fundamental spiritual requirements, or - if they are already based on these human principles and not on [531] the rule of a powerful minority, exploiting an unhappy majority - they will cooperate freely with these greater nations in a federation of purpose and of interests until such time when all the nations of the world see the vision clear, forego their selfish aims and agree in the unity of the work to be done for the whole. Humanity will then emerge into the light of freedom with a revealed beauty and a spiritual purpose, hitherto unknown.

3. Research into the relation of the planetary centers to the systemic centers, the sacred planets and the energies pouring through them from the constellations which they "rule" in the esoteric sense. This is one of the paradoxes of occultism but it can be understood if the student remembers that the centers in his etheric body rule the planet in so far as they are receptive or non-receptive to the influences emanating from the planet, via the planetary centers.

Beginning as ever with the study of the microcosm as the clue to the macrocosm, but seeking at the same time to envisage the macrocosm in order to understand the microcosm, man will some day establish an intelligent relation to the whole of which he is a part and this with conscious cooperation. Thus the higher mind and the lower mind, the abstract and the concrete, the subjective and the objective will be brought into a functioning unity and man will be whole.

I cannot give you the relation of the planetary centers to the human centers or of the systemic centers to the planets. Too much knowledge would be given too soon and prior to the time when there is enough love present in human nature to offset the possible misuse of energy with [532] its often disastrous consequences. The colors, the mathematical rate of the higher vibrations which emanate from the centers - individual, planetary and systemic - and the quality (esoterically understood) of the energies must be the subject of human research and self-ascertained. The clues and the hints have been given in the Ageless Wisdom. The slower method of research is the safer at present. In the next century and early in the century an initiate will appear and will carry on their teaching. It will be under the same "impression" for my task is not yet completed and this series of bridging Treatises between the material knowledge of man and the science of the initiates has still another phase to run. But the remainder of this century must be dedicated to rebuilding the shrine of man's living, to reconstructing the form of humanity's life, to reconstituting the new civilization upon the foundations of the old and to the reorganizing of the structures of world thought, world politics, plus the redistribution of the world's resources in conformity to divine purpose. Then and only then will it be possible to carry the revelation further.

All this is dependent upon the triumph of the Forces of Light and the consequent victory of those who stand for human freedom. If the forces of materialism and cruelty triumph and selfish and wicked national interests and ambitions had prevailed, the revelation would still come but very much later. The issue is not in the balance and there is no need to despair. The courage of those fighting for freedom remains unimpaired. The Hierarchy stands. Light is breaking in the world as the realities of the situation emerge more clearly.

Be of good cheer for there is no true defeat of the human spirit; there is no final extinction of the divine in man, for divinity ever rises triumphant from the darkest [533] pit of hell. There is need however to overcome the inertia of the material nature in response to human need, individually and by the nations not engrossed with the essentials of the situation. This shows signs of happening. There is no power on Earth which can prevent the advance of man towards his destined goal and no combination of powers can hold him back. [537]