Section One – The Internal Fires – Fire by Friction
Section F – The Law of Economy
F.I. Its Effect in Matter
This law is the law governing the matter aspect of
manifestation, and is the law characterizing the work of
the third Logos, and of the entities who are the embodiment
of His will and the agents of His purposes. Each of the
great cosmic Entities who take form as the three Logoi, is
distinguished by different methods of activity, which might
be described thus: each of them embodying the mode of work
of certain cosmic Entities or Existences.
The third Aspect or Brahma aspect of the activities
of those Entities who are His expression, is characterized
by that method in the distribution of matter which we call
the Law of Economy. It is the law governing the scattering
of the atoms of matter and their dissociation from one
another, wide distribution, vibratory rhythm, [215]
heterogeneity and quality and their inherent rotary action.
This Law of Economy causes matter always to follow the line
of least resistance, and is the basis of the separative
action of atomic matter. It governs matter, the opposite
pole of spirit.
The second Aspect, the building, or Vishnu aspect,
is governed by the Law of Attraction; the activities of the
entities who embody this aspect are directed to the
attracting of matter to Spirit, and the gradual
approximation of the two poles. It results in cohesion, in
the production of congeries of atoms in various formations,
and this attraction is brought about by the attractive
power of Spirit itself. It shows itself in:
- Association,
- Form building,
- Adaptation of form to vibration,
- Relative homogeneity of group unity,
- Cyclic spiraling movement.
The line of least resistance is not the law for this
aspect. The attractive power of Spirit in form-building,
and in the adaptation of the form to the need, is the
secret of the pain and resistance in the world; pain is
only caused by resistance, and is a necessary phase in the
process of evolution. This law of attraction is the law
governing the Spirit, the opposite pole of matter.
The first Aspect, or the will to exist, is governed
by the Law of Synthesis, and the activities of the cosmic
entities who are its embodiments are governed by the law of
enforced unity, and of essential homogeneity. It is the law
that eventually comes into play after spirit and matter are
blending, and adapting themselves each to each; it governs
the eventual synthesis of Self with Self, and finally with
the All-Self, and also of essence with essence in
contradistinction to the synthesis of matter and Spirit. It
demonstrates as: [216]
- Abstraction,
- Spiritual liberation,
- Destruction of form through the withdrawal of Spirit
(the Destroyer aspect),
- Absolute homogeneity and absolute essential
- Progressive forward motion.
Thus can be seen the wonderful synthesis brought about
by the evolutionary working of these three cosmic laws, –
each of them embodying the mode of work of certain
cosmic Entities or Existences. The final two will be
taken up in their right place. Now we will touch but
briefly upon the law of matter, that of Economy.
This is the law that lies back of what has been mistakenly
called "The Fall" by religious writers, by which is defined
in reality the involutionary process, cosmically
considered. It led to a sevenfold differentiation in the
matter of the system. Just as the Law of Attraction led to
the sevenfold psychic differentiation of the Sons of Mind,
and the Law of Synthesis results in the sevenfold
perfection of the same Manasaputras, so we have an
interesting connection between:
- The seven planes, or the seven grades of matter.
- The seven Heavenly Men, the seven Divine
Manasaputras, or the seven types of wisdom-love.
- The seven qualities of wisdom, which are produced by
the cosmic entities, the Kumaras by the aid of knowledge
through the medium of matter.
This Law of Economy has several subsidiary laws which
govern its effects on the different grades of matter. As
said before, this is the Law swept into action by the
sounds as uttered by the Logos. The Sacred Word, or the
uttered Sound of the Creator, exists in different forms,
and though in reality but one Word, has several syllables.
The syllables all together form a solar [217] phrase;
separated they form certain words of power, producing
different effects.
92..."the Veda, the world song in human sound
that was given to man for his use metaphysically from the
standpoint of its meaning, and magically from the
standpoint of its proper recitation. The world song obeying
certain laws of proportions or the Pythagorean arithmetic
and imparting its thrilling effect to the domain of cosmic
substance, has induced the latter into a crystallization
process that the philosopher Plato called the geometry of
the cosmos. The various forms that are observed from a
molecule of salt crystal to the wonderfully complex
organism of the human body are all the structures of the
great cosmic geometrizer known as Viawakarma, the deva
carpenter in our Puranic writings. The revealed Veda whose
function is to trace out the cosmos from one basic sound
substance symbolized as Om, necessarily split itself into a
primal three, a subsequent seven vowels and then into seven
notes and then into seven combinations of the seven notes
on a basic three and then into hymns. All these falling
into the material field of the consonants, gradually
produced the manifested crystallized forms which are
collectively taken as the universe. The world to a thinker
is the magic motion produced by the Orphean singer or the
Hindu Saraswati..."
"In the Vishnu Purana, second part, you will see that
the power that resides in the sun is represented as the
three-sided Vedic power, that the power as Rik creates, as
Yajus preserves and as Sama destroys. Rik is therefore the
creative song of the Devas in the Sun. Yajus the song of
preservation and Sama the song of destruction of the Devas
in the sun and construction of the Devas in the moon. Rik
therefore is the song of the Devas and Sama the song of the
Pitris and Yajua the intermediate song. The functions of
the Vedas must of course vary according to the standpoint.
If you take the Pitris, Sama is their constructive song,
and Rik is their destructive note. The three Vedas
correspond to every trinity in Nature and I request you
will search for further information in the much abused
"Of the various karmic agencies wielded by man in the
way of molding himself and surroundings, sound or speech is
the most important, for, to speak is to work in ether which
of course rules the lower quaternary or elements, air,
fire, water and earth. Human sound or language contains
therefore all the elements required to move the different
classes of Devas and those elements are of course the
vowels and the consonants. The details of the philosophy of
sound in its relation to the devas who preside over the
subtle world, belong to the domain of true Mantra Sastra
which of course is in the hands of the knowers."
-From Some Thoughts on the Gita.
The great WORD that peals through one hundred years of
Brahma or persists in reverberation throughout a solar
system, is the sacred sound of A U M. In differentiation
and as heard in time and space, each of those three mystic
letters stands for the first letter of a subsidiary phrase,
consisting of various sounds. One letter, with a sequence
of four sounds, makes up the vibration or note of Brahma,
which is the intelligence aspect dominant in matter. Hence
the mystery hidden in [218] the pentagon, in the fifth
principle of mind, and in the five planes of human
evolution. These five letters when sounded forth on the
right note, give the key to the true inwardness of matter
and also to its control, – this control being based on the
right interpretation of the Law of Economy.
Another phrase, this time of seven letters, or a letter for
each of the seven Heavenly Men, embodies the sound or note
of the Vishnu aspect, the second aspect logoic, the
form-building aspect. By its correct or partial sounding,
by its complete or incomplete reverberation, are the forms
built and adapted. The Law of Attraction finds expression
in the manipulation of matter and its welding into form f
or the use of Spirit.
Then a third Word or phrase is added to the other two,
completing the entire Word logoic and producing
consummation. It is a Word of nine letters, making
therefore the twenty-one sounds (5 + 7 + 9) of this solar
system. The final nine sounds produce spiritual synthesis,
and the dissociation of the spirit from the form. We have a
correspondence in the nine Initiations, each initiation
marking a more perfect union of the Self with the All-Self,
and a further liberation from the trammels of matter.
When the sense of hearing on all planes is perfected (which
is brought about by the Law of Economy rightly understood)
these three great Words or phrases will be known. The
Knower will utter them in his own true key, thus blending
his own sound with the entire volume of vibration, and
thereby achieving sudden realization of his essential
identity with Those Who utter the words. As the sound of
matter or of Brahma peals forth in his ears on all the
planes, he will see all forms as illusion and will be
freed, knowing himself as omnipresent. As the sound of
Vishnu reverberates within himself, he knows himself as
perfected wisdom, and distinguishes [219] the note of his
being (or that of the Heavenly Man in whose Body he finds
place) from the group notes, and knows himself as
omniscient. As the note of the first or Mahadeva aspect,
follows upon the other two, he realizes himself as pure
Spirit and on the consummation of the chord is merged in
the Self, or the source from which he came. Mind is not,
matter is not, and naught is left but the Self merged in
the ocean of the Self. At each stage of relative
attainment, one of the laws comes into sway, – first the
law of matter, then the law of groups, to be succeeded by
the law of Spirit and of liberation.
F.II. The Subsidiary Laws
The subsidiary laws under the Law of Economy are four in
number, dealing with the lower quaternary:
- The Law of Vibration, dealing with the key
note or measure of the matter of each plane. By knowledge
of this law the material of any plane in its seven
divisions can be controlled.
- The Law of Adaptation, is the law governing
the rotary movement of any atom on every plane and
- The Law of Repulsion, governs that
relationship between atoms, which results in their
non-attachment and in their complete freedom from each
other; it also keeps them rotating at fixed points from
the globe or sphere of opposite polarity.
- The Law of Friction, governs the heat aspect
of any atom, the radiation of an atom, and the effect of
that radiation on any other atom.
Every atom of matter can be studied in four aspects,
and is governed by one or other, or all of the four above
mentioned laws.
- An atom vibrates to a certain measure.
- It rotates at a certain speed. [220]
- It acts and reacts upon its environing atoms.
- It adds its quota to the general heat of the atomic
system, whatever that may be.
These general rules relating to atomic bodies can be
extended not only to the atoms of the physical plane, but
to all spheroidal bodies within the system, and including
the system also, regarding it as a cosmic atom.
The tiny atom of the physical plane, a plane itself, a
planet, and a solar system all evolve under these rules,
and all are governed by the Law of Economy in one of its
four aspects.
It might be added in closing, that this law is one that
initiates have to master before They can achieve
liberation. They have to learn to manipulate matter, and to
work with energy or force in matter under this law; they
have to utilize matter and energy in order to achieve the
liberation of Spirit, and to bring to fruition the purposes
of the Logos in the evolutionary process. [223]