Section One – The Internal Fires – Fire by Friction
Division C – The Etheric Body and Prana34
C.I. The Nature of the Etheric Body
34 "Prana, or the vital principle, is the
special relation of the Atma with a certain form of matter
which by the relation of Atma, organizes and builds up as a
means of having experience. This special relation
constitutes the individual Prana in the individual body.
The cosmic all-pervading Prana is not Prana in the gross
sense, but is a name for the Brahman as the author of the
individual Prana... All beings, whether Devas, men or
animals, exist only so long as the Prana is within the
body. It is the life duration of all... Prana, or vitality,
is the common function of the mind and all the senses."
- Serpent Power, pp. 94, 95.
In our consideration of the internal fires of the system we
shall find much of very real interest to the coming [78]
generation of thinkers for three main reasons, which might
be enumerated as follows:
C.I.1. Its Purpose and Description
First. In the study of the etheric body lies hid
(for scientists and those of the medical profession) a
fuller comprehension of the laws of matter and the laws of
health. The word health has become too localized in the
past, and its meaning confined to the sanity of the body
corporeal, to the cooperative action of the atoms of the
physical body of man, and to the full expression of the
powers of the physical elemental. In days to come it will
be realized that the health of man is dependent upon the
health of all allied evolutions, and upon the cooperative
action and full expression of the matter of the planet and
of the planetary elemental who is himself a composite
manifestation of the physical elementals of all manifested
Second. In the study of the etheric body and prana
lies the revelation of the effects of those rays of the sun
which (for lack of better expression), we will call "solar
pranic emanations." These solar pranic emanations are the
produced effect of the central heat of the sun approaching
other bodies within the solar system by one of the three
main channels of contact, and producing on the bodies then
contacted certain effects differing somewhat from those
produced by the other emanations. These effects might be
considered as definitely stimulating and constructive, and
(through their essential quality) as producing conditions
that further the growth of cellular matter, and concern its
adjustment to environing conditions; they concern likewise
the internal health (demonstrating as the heat of the atom
and its consequent activity) and the uniform evolution of
the form of which that particular atom of matter forms a
constituent part. Emanative prana does little in connection
with [79] form building; that is not its province, but it
conserves the form through the preservation of the health
of its component parts. Other rays of the sun act
differently, upon the forms and upon their substance. Some
perform the work of the Destroyer of forms, and others
carry on the work of cohering and of attracting; the work
of the Destroyer and of the Preserver is carried on under
the Law of Attraction and Repulsion. Some rays definitely
produce accelerated motion, others produce retardation. The
ones we are dealing with here – pranic solar emanations –
work within the four ethers, that matter which (though
physical) is not as yet objectively visible to the eye of
man. They are the basis of all physical plane life
considered solely in connection with the life of the
physical plane atoms of matter, their inherent heat and
their rotary motion. These emanations are the basis of that
"fire by friction" which demonstrates in the activity of
Finally, in the study of the etheric body and prana
comes comprehension of the method of logoic manifestation,
and therefore much of interest to the metaphysician, and
all abstract thinkers. The etheric body of man holds hid
the secret of his objectivity. It has its correspondence on
the archetypal plane, – the plane we call that of the
divine manifestation, the first plane of our solar system,
the plane Adi. The matter of that highest plane is called
often the "sea of fire" and it is the root of the akasha,
the term applied to the substance of the second plane of
manifestation. Let us trace the analogy a little more in
detail, for in its just apprehension will be found much of
illumination and much that will serve to elucidate problems
both macrocosmic and microcosmic. We will begin with man
and his etheric body.
The etheric body has been described as a network, permeated
with fire, or as a web, animated with golden light. It is
spoken of in the Bible as the "golden bowl." [80] It is a
composition of that matter of the physical plane which we
call etheric, and its shape is brought about by the fine
interlacing strands of this matter being built by the
action of the lesser Builders into the form or mould upon
which later the dense physical body can be molded. Under
the Law of Attraction, the denser matter of the physical
plane is made to cohere to this vitalized form, and is
gradually built up around it, and within it, until the
interpenetrating is so complete that the two forms make but
one unit; the pranic emanations of the etheric body itself
play upon the dense physical body in the same manner as the
pranic emanations of the sun play upon the etheric body. It
is all one vast system of transmission and of
interdependence within the system. All receive in order to
give, and to pass on to that which is lesser or not so
evolved. Upon every plane this process can be seen.
Thus the etheric body forms the archetypal plane in
relation to the dense physical body. The thinker on his own
plane stands, in relation to the physical, as the Logos to
His system. In the synthesis of thought it might be
expressed thus: The thinker on the astral plane, the plane
of desire and of necessity, stands to the physical body as
the Logos on the cosmic astral plane stands to His system.
As we continue the study we will work out the
correspondence in the cosmos, the system, and in the three
worlds, for we need to remember that the analogy must be
- Man, the Microcosm, the manifesting Monad, or
- The Heavenly Man, the planetary Logos, or the
manifesting group.
- The Grand Man of the Heavens, the Macrocosm, the
solar Logos, the manifestation of all groups and of all
evolutions within His Body, the solar system. [81]
35 S. D., I, 74.
36 "This whole solar system being conceived
of as one vast mechanism, with an exquisite adjustment of
its parts in all major details, is only the physical
expression of Vishnu, or the ethereal basic substance, as
we may understand the word for the present. All the
harmonies observable in the manifested cosmos are only the
result of the harmoniously working energies that resolve
ether into the expression that we recognize. All planets,
worlds, human beings, etc., are only parts of the body,
each functioning in subordination to the law which governs
the whole. The evolution, preservation and destruction of
the world is therefore one vast process called Yagna, which
takes place in the body of Yagna Purusha, or the psychical
body of nature. Humanity taken collectively is the heart
and brain of this Purusha and therefore all the Karma
generated by humanity, physical, mental, or spiritual,
determines mainly the character of this Yagnic process...
Shri Krishna therefore calls the process the Yagnic life
that he has been giving out to Arjuna as Yoga (1st Sloka
4th Chr). In fact, Yoga and Yagna are very closely allied
and even inseparable, though at the present day people seem
to disconnect the two. Yoga derived from the root Yuj to
join means an act of joining. Now as the heart is the great
center in man, likewise the Yogi of the heart keeps his
central position in the universe and hence his
individuality. The individuality or the Higher Manas being
the pivot of the human constitution or the center on which
two hemispheres of higher and lower existence turn as I
have already said, the Yogi of the heart has a heavenly
dome above and earthly abyss below and his yoga becomes
twofold as a consequence. He joins himself on to the thing
above in dhyana and the thing below in action. The word
Yagna derived from the root Yaj – to serve also means a
twofold service, service done to the thing above through
service done unto its expression the thing below."
- Some Thoughts on the Gita, pp. 18, 134.
All these bodies – the body of a man, a planetary Logos,
and a solar Logos – are the product of desire originating
on the planes of abstract mind, whether cosmic, systemic,
or mind in the three worlds, whether cosmic desire-mind or
human desire-mind, and all their bodies are "Sons of
Necessity," as H.P.B. so aptly expressed it.35,
C.I.2. Eight Statements
It is with the etheric bodies of all we are dealing, and
with their vivification by prana (whether cosmic, solar,
planetary or human), with the organs of reception and with
the basis of emanations. Here, therefore, we can arrive at
certain dicta anent the etheric body which for purposes of
clarity might well be enumerated:
1. First ether – Atomic plane |
Adi (Divine) |
Sea of fire. First cosmic ether. |
2. Second ether – Subatomic |
Anupadaka (Monadic plane) |
Akasha. Second cosmic ether. |
3. Third ether – Super-etheric |
Atmic (Spiritual plane) |
Aether. Third cosmic ether. |
4. Fourth ether – Super-gaseous |
Buddhic (Intuitional plane) |
Air. Fourth cosmic ether. |
5. Gaseous – Subetheric |
Mental |
Fire. Cosmic gaseous. |
6. Liquid |
Astral (Emotional plane) |
Water. Cosmic liquid. |
7. Earthly |
Physical (Dense) |
Earth. Cosmic dense. |
- Sixth. In all the three bodies – human,
planetary, and systemic or logoic – will be found a great
organ within the organism which acts as the receiver of
prana. This organ has its etheric manifestation and its
dense physical correspondence.
In the system, the organ of cosmic prana, of the
force vitalizing matter, is the central sun, which is the
direct receiver and dispenser of cosmic radiation. This
is one of the threefold divisions of the Primordial Ray
of active intelligence. Each of the cosmic Rays is in
essence threefold, a fact which is oft overlooked, though
logically obvious; each Ray is the vehicle for a cosmic
Entity, and all existence is necessarily triple in
manifestation. The central Sun has within its periphery a
center of reception with a surface radiation.
In the planet there will be found a similar organ
or receiver within its etheric body, the locality of
which is not for esoteric publication and cannot
therefore be revealed. It is connected with the location
of the two poles, north and south, and is the center
around which the globe rotates, and is the source of the
legend of a sacred fertile land within the sphere of
polar influences. The mythic land of exceeding fertility,
of abundant [84] luxuriance, and of phenomenal growth,
vegetable, animal and human would naturally lie where
prana is received. It is the esoteric Garden of Eden, the
land of physical perfection. Surface radiation
demonstrates, after distribution, as planetary prana.
In Man. The organ of reception is the spleen
through its etheric counterpart. After distribution over
the entire body via the etheric network it demonstrates
in surface radiation as the health aura.
- Seventh. Thus in all the three bodies will the
resemblance clearly be seen, and the working out in
perfect correspondence is easily demonstrable:
Entity manifesting |
The solar Logos. |
Body of manifestation |
The solar system. |
Receptive center |
Pole of the central Sun. |
Surface radiation or emanation |
Solar prana. |
Movement produced |
Systemic rotation. |
Distributive effect |
Solar etheric radiation (felt cosmically). |
Entity manifesting |
A planetary Logos. |
Body of manifestation |
A planet. |
Receptive center |
The planetary pole. |
Surface radiation or emanation |
Planetary prana. |
Movement produced |
Planetary rotation. |
Distributive effect |
Planetary etheric radiation (felt within the
system). |
Entity manifesting |
The thinker, A Dhyan Chohan. |
Body of manifestation |
Physical body. |
Receptive center |
The spleen. |
Surface radiation or emanation |
Health aura. |
Movement produced |
Atomic rotation. |
Distributive effect |
Human etheric radiation (felt by environment).
[85] |
Entity manifesting |
An elementary life. |
Body of manifestation |
The atomic sphere. |
Receptive center |
Pole of the atom. |
Surface radiation or emanation |
Contribution of atom to the united health aura of
body. |
Movement produced |
Atomic rotation. |
Distributive effect |
Atomic etheric radiation (felt within the physical
form). |
Eighth. When the "will to live" vanishes, then
the "Sons of Necessity" cease from objective
manifestation. This is logically inevitable, and its
working out can be seen in every case of entified
objectivity. When the Thinker on his own plane
withdraws his attention from his little system within
the three worlds and gathers within himself all his
forces, then physical plane existence comes to an end
and all returns within the causal consciousness; this
is as much an abstraction in the three worlds of the
Thinker as the Absolute is in the threefold solar
system of the Logos. This demonstrates on the physical
plane in the withdrawing from out of the top of the
head of the radiant etheric body and the consequent
disintegration of the physical. The framework goes and
the dense physical form falls apart; the pranic life is
abstracted bodily from out of the dense sheath, and the
stimulation of the fires of matter ceases to be. The
latent fire of the atom remains; it is inherent, but
the form is made by the action of the two fires of
matter – active and latent, radiatory and inherent –
aided by the fire of the second Logos, and when they
are separated the form falls apart. This is a picture
in miniature of the essential duality of all things
acted upon by Fohat. [86]
There is a close connection between the spleen and
the top of the head in connection with the etheric
body. The organ of the spleen has an interesting
correspondence to the umbilical cord which attaches an
infant to the mother for purposes of nourishment, and
which is separated at birth. When a man starts to live
his own life of conscious desire, when a man is born
into a new world of a subtler form of life, that
interlaced cord of etheric matter (which had united him
to his physical body) is broken; the "silver cord is
loosed" and the man severs his connection with the
dense physical body and passes out through the highest
center of the body instead of the lowest to life in a
higher world and of another dimension. So it will be
found in all the bodies and sheaths of the microcosm,
for the analogy will persist on all planes during
manifestation. When more scientific knowledge has been
gained it will be found that the same procedure on a
larger scale, takes place in planetary manifestation. A
planet is but the body of a planetary Logos, that body
being etheric, and the Logos expressing Himself through
it and building upon the etheric scaffolding a vehicle
of manifestation. The moon once was the body of
expression for one of the Logoi; the Earth now is, and
the cycles change continuously. The center of escape
for the etheric body is found likewise in a physical
planet, and the planetary silver cord is loosed at the
time appointed; but the times and cycles, their
commencement and termination are hid in the mysteries
of Initiation, and do not concern us.
Again in the solar system itself similar action will
eventuate at the close of a Mahamanvantara. The Logos
will withdraw within Himself, abstracting His three
major principles.37 His body of
manifestation – the Sun [87] and the seven sacred
Planets, all existing in etheric matter – will withdraw
from objectivity and become obscured. From the usual
physical standpoint, the light of the system will go
out. This will be succeeded by a gradual inbreathing
until He shall have gathered all unto Himself; the
etheric will cease to exist, and the web will be no
more. Full consciousness will be achieved, and in the
moment of achievement existence or entified
manifestation will cease. All will be reabsorbed within
the Absolute; pralaya,38 or the cosmic
heaven of rest will then ensue, and the Voice of the
Silence will be heard no more. The reverberations of
the word will die away, and the "Silence of the High
Places" will reign supreme.
37 Principles, the basic
differentiations, essential qualities or types of energy
upon which all things are built; they give the distinctive
nature of all forms.
38 Pralaya – A period of obscuration
or repose – planetary, systemic or cosmic. An interlude
between two periods of manifestation.
C.II. The Nature of Prana
In dealing with the subject of the etheric body and its
functions as an assimilator and distributor of prana, we
have dealt with it from the standpoint of its place in the
scheme of things. We have considered this matter of
etherics from the angle of correspondences, and have traced
analogies in the system, the planet, and man. We have seen
that it formed the foundation of the dense physical form,
and in itself constituted a most important link between:
- Physical man, and the emotional or astral plane.
- Planetary Man, and essential emotional quality.
- The Logos, the grand Heavenly Man, and the cosmic
astral plane.
We might now narrow the subject down to the consideration
of the etheric body of the human being and not touch upon
correspondences to things systemic or cosmic at all, though
it may be necessary to remind ourselves that for the wise
student the line along which wisdom [88] comes is the
interpretative one; he who knows himself (in objective
manifestation, essential quality, and comprehensive
development) knows likewise the Lord of his Ray, and the
Logos of his system. It is only then a matter of
application, conscious expansion, and intelligent
interpretation, coupled to a wise abstention from dogmatic
assertion, and a recognition that the correspondence lies
in quality and method more than in detailed adherence to a
specified action at any given time in evolution.
All that it is possible to give here is material which, if
rightly pondered on, may result in more intelligent
practical living in the occult sense of the term "living";
which, if studied scientifically, religiously and
philosophically, may lead to the furthering of the aims of
the evolutionary process in the immediately coming lesser
cycle. Our aim, therefore, is to make the secondary body of
man more real, and to show some of its functions and how it
can eventually be brought consciously into the range of
mental comprehension.
Science, as we know, is fast reaching the point where it
will be forced to admit the fact of the etheric body,
because the difficulties of refusing to acknowledge it,
will be far more insuperable than an admission of its
existence. Scientists admit already the fact of etheric
matter; the success of photographic endeavor has
demonstrated the reality of that which has hitherto been
considered unreal, because (from the standpoint of the
physical) intangible. Phenomena are occurring all the time
which remain in the domain of the supernatural unless
accounted for through the medium of etheric matter, and in
their anxiety to prove the spiritualists wrong, scientists
have aided the cause of the true and higher spiritism by
falling back on reality, and on the fact of the etheric
body, even though they consider it a body of [89] emanative
radiation – being concerned with the effect and not having
yet ascertained the cause. Medical men are beginning to
study (blindly as yet) the question of vitality, the effect
of solar rays upon the physical organism, and the
underlying laws of inherent and radiatory heat. They are
beginning to ascribe to the spleen functions hitherto not
recognized, to study the effect of the action of the
glands, and their relation to the assimilation of the vital
essences by the bodily frame. They are on the right road,
and before long (perhaps within this century) the FACT of
the etheric body and its basic function will be established
past all controversy, and the whole aim of preventive and
curative medicine will shift to a higher level. All we can
do here is to give simply, and in a condensed form, a few
facts which may hasten the day of recognition, and further
the interest of the true investigator. Let me, therefore,
briefly state what will be dealt with in our remaining
three points:
- The functions of the etheric body.
- Its relation to the physical during life.
- The ills or diseases of the etheric body (taking care
to retain the original meaning of the word
- Its after death condition.
This will embody all that is as yet of practical use.
More may later be forthcoming for our helping if that which
is now given to the public is carefully followed up, and if
investigators wisely, sanely and broadly study this
important matter.
As the nature and functions of the etheric body of man
assume their rightful place in the thought of the world and
as it is realized that the etheric is the most important of
the two physical bodies, man will be brought into closer
conscious contact with the other evolutions [90] that
evolve in etheric matter just as he does in a dense
physical body. There are certain large groups of devas,
called "the devas of the shadows," or the violet devas, who
are closely allied with the evolutionary development of
man's etheric body, and who transmit to him solar and
planetary radiation. The etheric body of man receives prana
in different ways and of different kinds, and all these
ways bring him into touch with varying entities.
C.II.1. Solar Prana
This is that vital and magnetic fluid which radiates from
the sun, and which is transmitted to man's etheric body
through the agency of certain deva entities of a very high
order, and of a golden hue. It is passed through their
bodies and emitted as powerful radiations, which are
applied direct through certain plexi in the uppermost part
of the etheric body, the head and shoulders, and passed
down to the etheric correspondence of the physical organ,
the spleen, and from thence forcibly transmitted into the
spleen itself. These golden hued pranic entities are in the
air above us, and are specially active in such parts of the
world as California, in those tropical countries where the
air is pure and dry, and the rays of the sun are recognized
as being specially beneficial. Relations between man and
this group of devas are very close, but fraught as yet with
much danger to man. These devas are of a very powerful
order, and, along their own line, are further evolved than
man himself. Unprotected man lies at their mercy, and in
this lack of protection, and man's failure to understand
the laws of magnetic resistance, or of solar repulsion
comes, for instance, the menace of sunstroke. When the
etheric body and its assimilative processes are
comprehended scientifically, man will then be immune from
dangers due to solar radiation. He will protect himself by
the application of the laws [91] governing magnetic
repulsion and attraction, and not so much by clothing and
shelter. It is largely a question of polarization. One hint
might here be given: When men understand the deva evolution
somewhat more correctly and recognize their work along
certain lines in connection with the Sun and realize that
they represent the feminine pole as they themselves
represent the masculine (the fourth Creative Hierarchy
being male)39 they will comprehend the mutual
relationship, and govern that relationship by law.
These solar devas take the radiatory rays of the sun which
reach from its center to the periphery along one of the
three channels of approach, pass them through their
organism and focalize them there. They act almost as a
burning glass acts. These rays are then reflected or
transmitted to man's etheric body, and caught up by him and
again assimilated. When the etheric body is in good order
and functioning correctly, enough of this prana is absorbed
to keep the form organized. This is the whole object
of the etheric body's functioning, and is a point which
cannot be sufficiently emphasized. The remainder is cast
off in the form of animal radiation, or physical magnetism
– all terms expressing the same idea. Man therefore repeats
on a lesser scale the work of the great solar devas, and in
his turn adds his quota of repolarized or remagnetized
emanation to the sumtotal of the planetary aura.
C.II.2. Planetary Prana
This is the vital fluid emanated from any planet, which
constitutes its basic coloring or quality, and is produced
by a repetition within the planet of the same process [92]
which is undergone in connection with man and solar prana.
The planet (the Earth, or any other planet) absorbs solar
prana, assimilates, what is required, and radiates off that
which is not essential to its well-being in the form of
planetary radiation. Planetary prana, therefore, is solar
prana which has passed throughout the planet, has
circulated through the planetary etheric body, has been
transmitted to the dense physical planet, and has been cast
off thence in the form of a radiation of the same essential
character as solar prana, plus the individual and
distinctive quality of the particular planet concerned.
This again repeats the process undergone in the human body.
The physical radiations of men differ according to the
quality of their physical bodies. So it is with a
39 S. D., I, 232-238. The whole cosmos is
guided, controlled and animated by an almost endless series
of Hierarchies of sentient Beings, each having a mission to
perform. S D., I; 295.
Planetary emanative prana (as in the case of solar prana)
is caught up and transmitted via a particular group of
devas, called the "devas of the shadows," who are ethereal
devas of a slightly violet hue. Their bodies are composed
of the matter of one or other of the four ethers, and they
focalize and concentrate the emanations of the planet, and
of all forms upon the planet. They have a specially close
connection with human beings owing to the fact of the
essential resemblance of their bodily substance to man's
etheric substance, and because they transmit to him the
magnetism of "Mother Earth" as it is called. Therefore we
see that there are two groups of devas working in
connection with man:
- Solar devas, who transmit the vital fluid which
circulates in the etheric body.
- Planetary devas of a violet color, who are allied to
man's etheric body, and who transmit earth's prana, or
the prana of whichever planet man may be functioning upon
during a physical incarnation.
A very pertinent question might here be asked, and though
we may not fully explain the mystery, a few [93] suggestive
hints may be possible. We might ask: What causes the
apparent deadness of the Moon? Is there deva life upon it?
Does solar prana have no effect there? What constitutes the
difference between the apparently dead Moon, and a live
planet, such as the Earth? (S. D., I, 170-180.)
Here we touch upon a hidden mystery, of which the solution
lies revealed for those who seek, in the fact that human
beings and certain groups of devas are no longer found upon
the Moon. Man has not ceased to exist upon the Moon
because it is dead and cannot therefore support his life,
but the Moon is dead because man and these deva groups have
been removed from off its surface, and from its sphere of
influence. (S. D., I, 179.) Man and the devas act on
every planet as intermediaries, or as transmitting
agencies. Where they are not found, then certain great
activities become impossible, and disintegration sets in.
The reason for this removal lies in the cosmic Law of Cause
and Effect, or cosmic karma, and in the composite, yet
individual, history of that one of the Heavenly Men Whose
body, the Moon or any other dead planet at any time
happened to be.
C.II.3. The Prana of Forms
It must first be pointed out that forms are necessarily of
two kinds, each having a different place in the scheme:
- Forms that are the result of the work of the third
and the second Logos, and Their united life. Such forms
are the units in the vegetable, animal and mineral
- Forms that are the result of the united action of the
three Logoi, and comprise the strictly deva and human
There is also the still simpler form embodied in the
substance of which all the other forms are made. This
matter [95] is strictly speaking the atomic and molecular
matter, and is animated by the life or energy of the third
In dealing with the first group of forms, it must be noted
that the pranic emanations given off by units of the animal
and vegetable kingdom (after they have absorbed both solar
and planetary prana) are naturally a combination of the
two, and are transmitted by means of surface radiation, as
in solar and planetary Prana, to certain lesser groups of
devas of a not very high order, who have a curious and
intricate relationship to the group soul of the radiating
animal or vegetable. This matter cannot be dealt with here.
These devas are also of a violet hue, but of such a pale
color as to be almost grey; they are in a transitional
state, and merge with a puzzling confusion with groups of
entities that are almost on the involutionary arc. 42,
43, 43a [96]
42 Involutionary Arc is the term applied
to the first part of the evolutionary process. It covers
the "path of descent," or the coming down of Spirit into
ever denser matter until the lowest point is reached, the
point of densest concretion. The latter half of the process
is called evolutionary and marks the ascent or return of
Spirit to its emanating source, plus the gains of the
evolutionary process.
43 "The Three Outpourings. In the
diagram the "symbols of the three Aspects (of the Logos)
are placed outside of time and space, and only the streams
of influence from them descend into our system of planes...
They represent in due order what are commonly called the
three Persons of the Trinity... It will be seen that from
each of them an outpouring of life or force is projected
into the planes below. The first of these in order is the
straight line which descends from the third Aspect; the
second is that part of the large oval which lies on our
left hand – the stream which descends from the second
Aspect until it has touched the lowest point in matter, and
then rises again up the side on our right hand until it
reaches the lower mental level. It will be noted that in
both of these outpourings the divine life becomes darker
and more veiled as it descends into matter, until at the
lowest point we might almost fail to recognize it as divine
life at all; but as it rises again when it has passed its
nadir it shows itself somewhat more clearly. The third
outpouring which descends from the highest aspect of the
Logos differs from the others in that it is in no way
clouded by the matter through which it passes, but retains
its virgin purity and splendor untarnished. It will be
noted that this outpouring descends only to the level of
the buddhic plane (the fourth plane) and that the link
between the two is formed by a triangle in a circle,
representing the individual soul of man – the reincarnating
ego. Here the triangle is contributed by the third
outpouring and the circle by the second..."
- The Christian Creed, by C. W. Leadbeater, pp. 39,
43a See S. D., I, 98, 99, 100, 103.
- 1. The root of life was in every drop of the ocean of
immortality Every atom in matter was impregnated with the
life of the Logos.
- 2. The ocean was radiant light, which was Fire, Heat,
Motion. These three are the subjective life manifesting
- Fire: The essence of the first Logos. Electric
fire. Spirit.
- Heat: Duality. The essence of the second
Logos. Solar fire. The Son aspect. Consciousness.
- Motion: The essence of the third Logos. Fire
by friction. Matter.
THE MACROCOSM (subjective expression)
First Logos |
Fire – Electric |
The will to live or to be. |
Second Logos |
Heat – Solar |
Duality, or love between two. |
Third Logos |
Motion – Fire by friction |
The fire of mind, the relation between. |
THE MACROCOSM (objective expression)
The Sun |
Will or Power. |
Venus-Mercury |
Love and Wisdom. |
Saturn |
Activity or Intelligence. |
THE MICROCOSM (subjective expression)
The Monad |
Electric fire |
Will or Power. |
The Ego |
Solar fire |
Love and Wisdom. |
The Personality |
Fire by friction |
Activity or Intelligence. |
THE MICROCOSM (objective expression)
The mental body |
Will or Power |
Fire. |
The astral body |
Love-Wisdom |
Heat. |
The physical body |
Active Intelligence |
Motion. |
The brain |
Monad |
Will or Power Electric fire. |
The heart |
Ego |
Love-Wisdom Solar fire. |
Lower organs |
Personality |
Active Intelligence Fire by friction. |
In dealing with the second group, the human form transmits
the emanative radiations to a much higher grade of deva.
These devas are of a more pronounced hue, and after due
assimilation of the human radiation, they transmit it
principally to the animal kingdom, thus demonstrating the
close relationship between the two kingdoms. If the above
explanation of the intricate interrelation between the sun
and the planets, between the planets and the evolving forms
upon them, between the forms themselves in ever descending
importance demonstrates nothing more than the exquisite
interdependence of all existences, then much will have been
Another fact which must also be brought out is the close
relationship between all these evolutions of nature, from
the celestial sun down to the humblest violet via the [97]
deva evolution which acts as the transmitting transmuting
force throughout the system.
Lastly, all work with fire. Fire internal, inherent and
latent; fire radiatory and emanative; fire generated,
assimilated and radiated; fire vivifying, stimulating and
destroying; fire transmitted, reflected, and absorbed;
fire, the basis of all life; fire, the essence of all
existence; fire, the means of development, and the impulse
behind all evolutionary process; fire, the builder, the
preserver, and the constructor; fire, the originator, the
process and the goal; fire the purifier and the consumer.
The God of Fire and the fire of God interacting upon each
other, till all fires blend and blaze and till all that
exists, is passed through the fire – from a solar system to
an ant – and emerges as a triple perfection. Fire then
passes out from the ring-pass-not as perfected essence,
whether essence emerging from the human ring-pass-not, the
planetary ring-pass-not or the solar. The wheel of fire
turns and all within that wheel is subjected to the
threefold flame, and eventually stands perfected.
C.III. The Function of the Etheric Body
We will now continue with the discussion of the etheric
body, and take up the consideration of its function and its
relation to the physical body. The two may wisely be
considered together, for the interrelation is so close that
it is not possible to discuss them separately. Primarily
the functions of the etheric body are three in number:
- It is the receiver of prana.
- It is the assimilator of prana.
- It is the transmitter of prana.
C.III.1. The Receiver of Prana
The etheric body may therefore be described as negative or
receptive in respect to the rays of the sun, and as [98]
positive and expulsive in respect to the dense physical
body. The second function – that of assimilation – is
strictly balanced or internal. As stated earlier, the
pranic emanations of the sun are absorbed by the etheric
body, via certain centers which are found principally in
the upper part of the body, from whence they are directed
downwards to the center which is called the etheric spleen,
as it is the counterpart in etheric matter of that organ.
The main center for the reception of prana at present is a
center between the shoulder blades. Another has been
allowed to become partially dormant in man through the
abuses of so-called civilization, and is situated slightly
above the solar plexus. In the coming root-race, and
increasingly in this, the necessity for the exposure of
these two centers to the rays of the sun, will be
appreciated, with a corresponding improvement in physical
vitality and adaptability. These three centers,
- Between the shoulder blades,
- Above the diaphragm,
- And the spleen
make, if one could but see it, a radiant etheric
triangle, which triangle is the originating impulse for the
later pranic circulation throughout the entire system. The
etheric body is really a network of fine channels, which
are the component parts of one interlacing fine cord, – one
portion of this cord being the magnetic link which unites
the physical and the astral bodies and which is snapped or
broken after the withdrawal of the etheric body from the
dense physical body at the time of death. The silver cord
is loosed, as the Bible expresses it, (Ecc: XII, 6.) and
this is the basis of the legend of the fateful sister who
cuts the thread of life with the dreaded shears.
The etheric web is composed of the intricate weaving of
this vitalized cord, and apart from the seven centers [99]
within the web (which correspond to the sacred centers, and
of which the spleen is frequently counted as one) it has
the two above mentioned, which make – with the spleen – a
triangle of activity. The etheric web of the solar system
is of an analogous nature, and likewise has its three
receptive centers for cosmic prana. The mysterious band in
the heavens, which we call the Milky Way, (S. D. II.
250) is closely connected with cosmic prana, or that cosmic
vitality or nourishment which vitalizes the solar etheric
C.III.2. The Assimilator of Prana
The process of assimilation is carried on in this triangle,
and the prana which enters into either center, circulates
three times around the triangle before being transmitted to
all parts of the etheric vehicle and from thence to the
dense physical body. The main organ of assimilation is the
spleen – the etheric center and the dense physical organ.
The vital essence from the sun is passed into the etheric
spleen, and is there subjected to a process of
intensification or devitalization, according to the
condition, healthy or not, of that organ. If the man is in
a healthy state the emanation received will be augmented by
his own individual vibration, and its rate of vibration
will be keyed up before it is passed on into the physical
spleen; or it will be slowed down and lowered if the man is
in a poor condition of health.
These three centers are in the form that all centers take,
of saucer-like depressions, resembling somewhat the
appearance of small whirlpools, and which draw within their
sphere of influence the currents that come their way.
The centers should be pictured as whirling vortices with a
closely woven threefold channel passing from each center to
the other, and forming an almost separate circulatory
system. This finds its point of departure for [100] the
entire system at the further side of the spleen to that at
which the prana entered. The vital fluid circulates through
and between these three centers three times, before it
finally passes out from them to the periphery of its little
system. This final circulation carries the prana, via the
fine interlacing channels, to every part of the body, which
becomes entirely impregnated by these emanations, if it
might be so expressed. These emanations find their way
finally out of the etheric system by means of surface
radiation. The pranic essence escapes from the
circumference of its temporary ring-pass-not as emanative
human prana, which is the same prana as earlier received,
plus the peculiar quality that any single individual may
convey to it during its transitory circulation. The essence
escapes, plus individual quality.
Here again can be seen the correspondence to the escape of
all essences from within any ring-pass-not when the cycle
has been completed.
This matter of the etheric body is of a very practical
interest, and when its importance is better realized, men
will attend to the distribution of prana within the body
with closer attention, and will see that the vitalization
of the body, via the three centers, proceeds unhindered.
The subject has necessarily to be handled in a superficial
manner, and only outlines and scattered hints can be given.
Nevertheless, it will be found that if this teaching is
studied with care, it will convey a knowledge of truths
whose caliber and content will prove invaluable and of a
kind hitherto not given out. The place of the etheric
sheath as a separator or ring-pass-not, and its functions
as a receiver and distributor of prana, are dealt with here
in a larger sense than heretofore, and the subject may
later be enlarged.
Two fundamental truths stand out from the aggregate of
facts so slightly dealt with here: [101]
First. The
fourth etheric subplane of the physical plane is the
immediate concern of
- Man, the Microcosm,
- The Heavenly Man, the planetary Logos,
- The Grand Man of the Heavens, the solar Logos.
Second. In this fourth chain and fourth round,
the fourth ether is beginning to be studied, and – viewed
as a separating web – it permits occasional exit to those
of suitable vibration.
C.III.3. The Transmitter of Prana
We have touched but little on the subject of the fire, the
purpose of the etheric body being to convey it and
distribute it to all parts of its system. We have dwelt on
facts which might stimulate interest and emphasize the
utility of this pranic vehicle. Certain facts need emphasis
and consideration as we study this static ring and its
circulating fires. Let me briefly recapitulate for the sake
of clarity:
- The System receives prana from cosmic sources
via three centers, and redistributes it to all parts of
its extended influence, or to the bounds of the solar
etheric web. This cosmic prana becomes colored by solar
quality and reaches the furthest confines of the system.
Its mission might be described as the vitalization of the
vehicle which is the physical material expression of the
solar Logos.
- The Planet receives prana from the solar
center, and redistributes it via the three receiving
centers to all parts of its sphere of influence. This
solar prana becomes colored by the planetary quality and
is absorbed by all evolutions found within the planetary
ring-pass-not. Its mission might be described as the
vitalization of the vehicle which is the physical
material expression of one or other of the seven Heavenly
Men. [102]
- The Microcosm receives prana from the sun
after it has permeated the planetary etheric vehicle, so
that it is solar prana, plus planetary quality. Each
planet the embodiment of some one ray aspect, and its
quality marked predominantly on all its evolution.
Prana, therefore, which is active radiatory heat,
varies in vibration and quality according to the receiving
Entity. Man passes the prana through his etheric vehicle,
colors it with his own peculiar quality, and so transmits
it to the lesser lives that make up his little system Thus,
the great interaction goes on, and all parts blend, merge
and are interdependent; and all parts receive, color,
qualify and transmit. An endless circulation goes on that
has neither a conceivable beginning nor possible end from
the point of view of finite man, for its source and end are
hid in the unknown cosmic fount. Were conditions everywhere
perfected this circulation would proceed unimpeded and
might result in a condition of almost endless duration, but
limitation and termination result as the effects of
imperfection giving place to a gradual perfection. Every
cycle originates from an other cycle of a relative
completeness, and will give place ever to a higher spiral;
thus eventuate periods of apparent relative perfection
leading to those which are still greater.
The aim for this greater cycle is the blending, as we know,
of the two fires of matter, latent and active, and their
merging with the fires of mind and spirit till they are
lost from sight in the general flame; the fires of mind and
spirit burn up matter and thereby bring about liberation
from the confining vehicles. The altar of earth is the
birthplace of spirit, its liberator from the mother
(matter), and its entrance into higher realms.
Hence, when the pranic vehicle is working perfectly in all
three groups, human, planetary and solar, the union with
latent fire will be accomplished. Here lies [103] the
reason for the emphasis laid on the necessity for building
pure, refined physical vehicles. The more refined and
rarefied the form, the better a receiver of prana will it
be, and the less will be the resistance found to the
uprising of kundalini at the appointed time. Coarse matter
and crude immature physical bodies are a menace to the
occultist, and no true seer will be found with a body of a
gross quality. The dangers of disruption are too great, and
the menace of disintegration by fire too awful. Once in the
history of the race (in Lemurian days) this was seen in the
destruction of the race and the continents by means of
fire.45 The Guides of the race at that time
availed Themselves of just this very thing to bring about
the finish of an inadequate form. The latent fire of matter
(as seen in volcanic display, for instance) and the
radiatory fire of the system were combined. Planetary
kundalini and solar emanation rushed into conjunction, and
the work of destruction was accomplished. The same thing
may again be seen, only in matter of the second ether, and
the effects therefore will be less severe owing to the
rarity of this ether and the comparatively greater
refinement of the vehicles.
45 In the Secret Doctrine, Vol. I, p. 473,
footnote, the destruction of Lemuria by fire is hinted at,
and in the Secret Doctrine, II, 149, footnote, the words
occur "Lemuria was not submerged but was destroyed by
volcanic action, and afterward sank."
We might here note a fact of interest, though of a mystery
insoluble as yet to most of us, and that is, that these
destructions by fire are part of the tests by fire of an
initiation of that one of the Heavenly Men Whose karma is
bound up with our earth.
Each destruction of a portion of the web results in a
greater facility of exit, and is in reality (when seen from
the higher planes) a step forward and an expansion. A
repetition of this takes place likewise in the system at
the stated cycles. [104]
C.III.4. Disorders of the Etheric Body
We will now study the etheric body, and its ills and also
its after death condition. This matter can be only briefly
touched upon. All that may now be indicated is a general
idea of the fundamental ailments to which the etheric may
be subject, and the trend which applied medicine may later
take when occult laws are better understood. One fact must
here be brought out – a fact but little comprehended or
even apprehended. This is the significant fact that the
ills of the etheric vehicle, in the case of the microcosm,
will be found likewise in the Macrocosm. Herein lies the
knowledge that oft-times explains the apparent miseries of
nature. Some of the great world evils have their source in
etheric ills, extending the idea of the etheric to
planetary conditions and even to solar. As we touch upon
the causes of etheric distress in man, their planetary and
solar correspondences and reactions may perhaps be
realized. We will need to bear carefully in mind when
studying this matter, that all the diseases of the etheric
body will appertain to its threefold purpose and be either:
- Functional, and thereby affecting its apprehension of
- Organic, and thereby affecting its distribution of
- Static, and thereby affecting the web, when viewed
solely from the angle of providing a physical
ring-pass-not, and acting as a separator between the
physical and the astral.
These three different groups of functions or purposes
are each of paramount interest, lead to totally different
results, and react in a different manner both outwardly and
46 The planetary Spirit is another term for the
Logos of our planet, one of the "seven Spirits before the
Throne," and therefore one of the seven Heavenly Men. He is
on the evolutionary arc of the universe, and has passed
many stages beyond the human. The planetary Entity is on
the involutionary arc and is a very low grade Entity. He is
the sum total of all the elemental lives of the planet.
Viewed from the planetary standpoint the same
conditions will be perceived, and the etheric planetary
body [105] (which is fundamentally the body in the
case of the sacred planets, of which the Earth is not one)
will have its functional disorders, which will affect its
reception of prana, will suffer its organic troubles which
may affect its distribution, and those disorders which
permit of trouble in the etheric web, which forms the
ring-pass-not for the involved planetary Spirit. Here I
would point out that in the case of the planetary Spirits
Who are on the divine evolutionary arc, the Heavenly Men
Whose bodies are planets, the etheric web does not form a
barrier, but (like the Karmic Lords on a higher plane) They
have freedom of movement outside the bounds of the
planetary web within the circumference of the solar
Again from the systemic standpoint, these same
effects may be observed, functionally, this time in
connection with the cosmic center; organically, in
connection with the sum total of the planetary systems; and
statically, in connection with the solar or logoic
We might now, for purposes of clarity, take up these three
groups separately and briefly touch upon them and hint (for
more will not be possible) at methods of cure and of
a. Microcosmic Functional
Disorders. These have to do with the reception by
man, via the necessary centers, of the pranic fluids. We
must always bear in mind, and thus keep the distinction
clear, that these emanations of prana have to do with the
heat latent in matter; when received and functioning
through the etheric body correctly, they cooperate with the
natural latent bodily [106] warmth, and (merging therewith)
hold the body in a vitalized condition, imposing upon the
matter of the body a certain rate of vibratory action that
leads to the necessary activity of the physical vehicle,
and the right functioning of its organs. It will,
therefore, be apparent that the A. B. C. of bodily health
is wrapped up in the right reception of prana, and that one
of the basic changes that must be made in the life of the
human animal (which is the aspect we are dealing with now)
will be in the ordinary conditions of living.
The three fundamental centers whereby reception is brought
about must be allowed to function with greater freedom, and
with less restriction. Now, owing to centuries of wrong
living, and to basic mistakes (originating in Lemurian
days) man's three pranic centers are not in good working
order. The center between the shoulder blades is in the
best receptive condition, though owing to the poor
condition of the spinal column (which in so many is out of
accurate alignment), its position in the back is apt to be
misplaced. The splenic center near the diaphragm is
subnormal in size and its vibration is not correct. In the
case of the aboriginal dwellers in such localities as the
South Seas, better etheric conditions will be found; the
life they lead is more normal (from the animal standpoint)
than in any other portion of the world.
The race suffers from certain incapacities, which may be
described as follows:
- First. Inability to tap pranic currents, owing
to the unhealthy lives passed by so many. This involves
the cutting off of the source of supply, and the
consequent atrophying and shrinkage of the receptive
centers. This is seen in an exaggerated form in the
children of the congested quarters of any great city, and
in the vitiated anemic dwellers of the slums. The cure is
apparent – the bringing about of better living
conditions, the [107] employment of more appropriate
clothing, and the adoption of a freer and more salubrious
mode of living. When the pranic rays can find free access
to the shoulders, and to the diaphragm, the subnormal
state of the average spleen will adjust itself
- Second. Over-ability to tap pranic currents.
The first type of functional disorder is common and
widespread. Its reverse can be found where conditions of
life are such that the centers (through too direct and
prolonged submittal to solar emanation) become
over-developed, vibrate too rapidly, and receive prana in
too great an amount. This is rarer, but is found in some
tropical countries, and is responsible for much of the
troublesome debility that attacks dwellers in these
lands. The etheric body receives prana or solar rays too
rapidly, passes it through and out of the system with too
much force, and this leaves the victim a prey to inertia
and devitalization. Putting it otherwise, the etheric
body becomes lazy, is like an unstrung web, or (to use a
very homely illustration) it resembles a tennis racket
which has become too soft, and has lost its resilience.
The inner triangle transmits the pranic emanations with
too great rapidity, giving no time for the subsidiary
absorption, and the whole system is thereby the loser.
Later it will be found that many of the ills that
Europeans, living in India, fall heir to, originate in
this way; and by attention, therefore, to the spleen, and
by wise control of living conditions, some of the trouble
may be obviated.
In touching upon similar conditions in the planet,
both these types of trouble will be found. More cannot be
said, but in the wise study of solar radiation upon the
surface of the planet in connection with its rotary action,
some of the group rules of health may be comprehended and
followed. The spirit of the planet (or the planetary
entity) likewise has his cycles, and in the absorption of
[108] planetary prana, and in its correct distribution,
lies the secret of fertility and equable vegetation. Much
of this is hidden in the fabled story of the war between
fire and water, which has its basis in the reaction of the
fire latent in matter, to the fire emanating outside of
matter, and playing upon it. In the interval that has to
elapse while the two are in process of blending, come those
periods where, through karmic inheritance, reception is
unstable and distribution inequable. As the point of race
equilibrium is reached, so planetary equilibrium will
likewise be attained, and in planetary attainment will come
the equilibrium that must mutually take place between the
solar planets. When they attain a mutual balance and
interaction then the system is stabilized and perfection
reached. The even distribution of prana will parallel this
balancing in the man, in the race, in the planet and in the
system. This is but another way of saying that uniform
vibration will be achieved.
b. Microcosmic Organic
Disorders. These are basically two in number:
- Troubles due to congestion.
- Destruction of tissue due to over-absorption of
prana, or its too rapid blending with latent physical
We have a curious illustration of both of these forms
of trouble in sun stroke and in heat stroke. Though
supposedly understood by physicians, they are nevertheless
altogether etheric disorders. When the nature of the
etheric body is better understood, and its wise care
followed, both these types of disease will be prevented.
They are due to solar pranic emanation; in one case the
effect of the emanation is to bring about death or serious
illness through the congestion of an etheric channel, while
in the other the same result is brought about by
destruction of etheric matter.
The above illustration has been used with definite intent,
[109] but it should be pointed out that etheric congestion
may lead to many forms of disease and of mental
incompetence. Etheric congestion leads to the thickening of
the web to an abnormal extent, and this thickening may
prevent, for instance, contact with the higher Self or
principles and its resultants, idiocy and mental unbalance.
It may lead to abnormal fleshy development, to the
thickening of some internal organ, and consequent undue
pressure; one portion of the etheric body being congested
may lead to the entire physical condition being upset,
resulting in diverse complaints.
Destruction of tissue may lead to insanity of many kinds,
especially those kinds deemed incurable. The burning of the
web may let in extraneous astral currents against which man
is helpless; the brain tissue may be literally destroyed by
this pressure, and serious trouble be caused through the
etheric ring-pass-not having been destroyed in some one
47 The Keys to the Secret Doctrine, by H.
P. Blavatsky. See S. D., I, 343; II, note; II, 551.
- Every symbol and allegory has seven keys. – S. D.,
II, 567; III, 3.
- Only three keys available in the nineteenth century –
S. D., II, 543, Compare II, 617, 842.
- There are seven keys to the Entrance door to the
Mysteries. – S. D., III, 178. Compare I, 346; II, 330;
II, 668; II, 731.
- The keys, as hinted by H. P. B., are:
- Psychological. – S. D., II, 25, note; I,
- Astronomical. – S. D., II, 25, note; I, 389; III,
- Physical or physiological. – S. D., II, 25, note;
III, 198.
- Metaphysical. – S. D., II, 25, note; II,
- Anthropological. – S. D., I, 389; III, 198.
- Astrological. – S. D. II, 343.
- Geometrical. – S. D., II, 494; III, 176.
- Mystical – S. D., I, 401.
- Symbolical. – S. D., II, 561.
- Numerical. – S. D., II, 198.
- Each key must be turned seven times. – S. D., I,
- The Jews availed themselves of two keys out of the
- The Metaphysical key is available. – S. D., I, 338.
Compare III, 198.
48 "The seven keys open the mysteries, past
and future, of the seven great root-races and of the seven
kalpas." Every occult book, symbol and allegory can be
subjected to seven interpretations. There are three locks
to be opened. Seven keys. Every book can be read
esoterically, subjectively and spiritually. All the keys
are not yet available. (See Secret Doctrine, I, 330, 343.)
There is the physiological key, the psychological, the
astrological and the metaphysical. The fifth key is the
48a "Ring-pass-not. The circumference of the
sphere of influence of any center of positive life. This
includes the fire sphere of magnetic work of the solar orb,
viewing it as the body of manifestation of a solar Logos,
and inclusive of an entire solar system. This term is also
applied to the sphere of activity of a planetary Logos or
to a planetary scheme and could equally well be applied to
the sphere of activity of the human Ego." S. D., I,
In connection with the planet a similar state of affairs
may be found. Later information may be forthcoming, which
is at present withheld; this will show that whole races
have been influenced, and certain kingdoms of nature
troubled by planetary etheric congestion, or the
destruction of planetary etheric tissue.
We have dealt with the functional and organic ills of the
etheric, giving certain indications for the extension of
the concept to other realms than the purely human. In the
human kingdom lies the key, but the turning of that key
opens up a door to a wider interpretation as it admits one
into the mysteries of nature. Though that key has to be
turned seven times, yet even one turn reveals untold
avenues of eventual comprehension. 47, 48 [110]
We have considered the reception and distribution of pranic
emanations in man, the planet, and the system and have seen
what produces temporary disorders, and the devitalization
or the over-vitalization of the organic form. Now we can
look at the subject from a third angle and therefore study:
c. Microcosmic Static
Disorders, or a consideration of the etheric body
in connection with its work of providing a ring-pass-not
from the purely physical to the astral. As has been said,
both here and in the books of H. P. B., the
48a is that confining barrier which
acts as a separator or a division between a system and that
which is external to that system. This, as may well be
seen, has its interesting correlations when the subject is
viewed (as we must consistently endeavor to view it) from
the point of view of a human being, a planet and a system,
remembering always that in dealing with the [111] etheric
body we are dealing with physical matter. This must ever be
borne carefully in mind. Therefore, one paramount factor
will be found in all groups and formations, and this is the
fact that the ring-pass-not acts only as a hindrance to
that which is of small attainment in evolution, but forms
no barrier to the more progressed. The whole question
depends upon two things, which are the karma of the man,
the planetary Logos, and the solar Logos, and the dominance
of the spiritual indwelling entity over its vehicle.
C.IV. Macrocosmic and Microcosmic Ethers
C.IV.1. The Planetary Logos and the Ethers
Man, the indwelling thinker, passes at night from out of
his etheric ring-pass-not and functions elsewhere.
Therefore, under the law, the planetary Logos likewise can
pass His ring-pass-not at stated seasons which correspond
in the planet to the hours of man's temporary repose, or
The solar Logos likewise does the same during stated
cycles, which are not the cycles succeeding those which we
term solar pralaya, but lesser cycles succeeding the "days
of Brahma" or periods of lesser activity, periodically
viewed. All these are governed by karma, and just as the
true Man himself applies the law of karma to his vehicles,
and in his tiny system is the correspondence to that fourth
group of karmic entities whom we call the Lipika Lords; He
applies the law to his threefold lower nature. The fourth
group of extra-cosmic Entities Who have Their place
subsidiary to the three cosmic Logoi Who are the threefold
sumtotal of the logoic nature, can pass the bounds of the
solar ring-pass-not in Their stated cycles. This is a
profound mystery and its complexity is increased by the
recollection that the fourth Creative Hierarchy of human
Monads, and the Lipika Lords in Their three groups (the
first [112] group, the second, and the four Maharajahs,
making the totality of the threefold karmic rulers who
stand between the solar Logos and the seven planetary
Logoi), are more closely allied than the other Hierarchies,
and their destinies are intimately interwoven.
49 The four Lipika Lords stand between the first
and second plane. – S. D., I, 155.
- They can pass the ring-pass-not. – S. D., I,
- They are connected with karma. – S. D., I, 153.
- They are concerned with the Hereafter. – S. D., I,
- They are in three groups. – S. D., I, 153.
- They are the spirits of the Universe. – S. D., I,
50 The four rays of mind are the four minor
rays which form the logoic Quaternary and which are
synthesized eventually into a fifth ray, the third major
ray of active intelligence, or adaptability. The names of
the rays are as follows:
The three major rays:
- The Ray of Will or Power.
- The Ray of Love or Wisdom.
- he Ray of Active Intelligence.
The four minor Rays:
- The Ray of Beauty, Harmony, Art or Rhythm.
- The Ray of Concrete Knowledge or Science.
- The Ray of Abstract Idealism.
- The Ray of Ceremonial Order or Organization.
A further link in this chain which is offered for
consideration lies in the fact that the four rays of mind
(which concern the karma of the four planetary Logoi) in
their totality hold in their keeping the present
evolutionary process for Man, viewing him as the Thinker.
These four, with the karmic four, work in the closest
cooperation. Therefore, we have the following groups
- First. The four Maharajahs, the lesser Lipika
Lords49 who apply past karma and work it out
in the present.
- Second. The four Lipikas of the second group,
referred to by H. P. B. as occupied in applying future
karma, and wielding the future destiny of the races. The
work of the first group of four cosmic Lipika Lords is
occult and is only revealed somewhat at the fourth
Initiation (and even then but slightly) so it will not be
touched upon here.
- Third. The fourth Creative Hierarchy of human
Monads, held by a fourfold karmic law under the guidance
of the Lipikas.
- Fourth. The four planetary Logoi50
of Harmony, Knowledge, Abstract Thought and Ceremonial,
who [113] are in Their totality the Quaternary of Manas
while in process of evolution, and who pass under Their
influence all the sons of men.
- Fifth. The Deva Lords of the four planes of
Buddhi, or the plane of spiritual Intuition, Manas, or
the mental plane, Desire, and the Physical, who are
likewise allied to the human evolution in a closer sense
than the higher three. A further interesting
correspondence is found in the following facts that are
even now in process of development:
The fourth plane of Buddhi is the one on which the
planetary Logoi begin to make Their escape from Their
planetary ring-pass-not, or from the etheric web that has
its counterpart on all the planes.
When man begins in a small sense to coordinate the buddhic
vehicle or, to express it otherwise, when he has developed
the power to contact ever so slightly the buddhic plane,
then he begins simultaneously and consciously to achieve
the ability to escape from the etheric web on the physical
plane. Later he escapes from its correspondence on the
astral plane, and finally from the correspondence on the
fourth subplane of the mental plane, this time via the
mental unit. This leads eventually to causal functioning,
or to the ability to dwell, and to be active in, the
vehicle of the Ego, who is the embodiment of the love and
wisdom aspect of the Monad. Note here the correspondence to
that proved fact, that many can even now escape from the
etheric body, and function in their [114] astral sheath,
which is the personality reflection of that same second
When a man takes the fourth Initiation, he functions in the
fourth plane vehicle, the buddhic, and has escaped
permanently from the personality ring-pass-not, on the
fourth subplane of the mental. There is naught to hold him
to the three worlds. At the first Initiation he escapes
from the ring-pass-not in a more temporary sense, but he
has yet to escape from the three higher mental levels,
which are the mental correspondences to the higher ethers,
and to develop full consciousness on these three higher
subplanes. We have here a correspondence to the work to be
done by the initiate after he has achieved the fourth solar
plane, the buddhic. There yet remains the development of
full consciousness on the three higher planes of spirit
before he can escape from the solar ring-pass-not, which is
achieved at the seventh Initiation, taken somewhere in the
system, or in its cosmic correspondence reached by the
cosmic sutratma, or cosmic thread of life.51
51 Sutratma. The "silver thread" which
incarnates from the beginning of a period of manifestation
until the end, stringing upon itself the pearls of human
existence. It is the line of energy which connects the
lower personal man with his Father in Heaven via the ego,
the mediating middle principle. Upon it are found those
focal points of energy we call the permanent atoms.
This fourth earth chain is in this connection one of the
most important, for it is the appointed place for the
domination of the etheric body by the human monad, with the
aim in view of both human and planetary escape from
limitations. This earth chain, though not one of the seven
sacred planetary chains, is of vital importance at this
time to the planetary Logos, who temporarily employs it as
a medium of incarnation, and of expression. This fourth
round finds the solution of its strenuous and chaotic life
in the very simple fact of the shattering of [115] the
etheric web in order to effect liberation, and permit a
later and more adequate form to be employed.
A further chain of ideas may be followed up in the
remembrance that the fourth ether is even now being studied
and developed by the average scientist, and is already
somewhat harnessed to the service of man; that the fourth
subplane of the astral plane is the normal functioning
ground of the average man and that in this round escape
from the etheric vehicle is being achieved; that the fourth
subplane of the mental plane is the present goal of
endeavor of one-fourth of the human family; that the fourth
manvantara will see the solar ring-pass-not offering
avenues of escape to those who have reached the necessary
point; that the four planetary Logoi will perfect Their
escape from Their planetary environment, and will function
with greater ease on the cosmic astral plane, paralleling
on cosmic levels the achievement of the human units who are
the cells in Their bodies.
Our solar Logos, being a Logos of the fourth order, will
begin to coordinate His cosmic buddhic body, and as He
develops cosmic mind He will gradually achieve, by the aid
of that mind, the ability to touch the cosmic buddhic
These possibilities and correspondences have been somewhat
dwelt upon, as it is necessary for us to realize the work
to be done in connection with the etheric web before we
take up the matter of the various causes which may hinder
the desired progress, and prevent the appointed escape and
destined liberation. Later we will take up the
consideration of the etheric web, and its static condition.
This will entail the recollection of two things:
- First, that this static condition is only so when
viewed from the standpoint of man at the present time,
and is [116] only termed so in order to make plainer the
changes that must be effected and the dangers that must
be offset. Evolution moves so slowly from man's point of
view that it seems to be almost stationary, especially
where etheric evolution is concerned.
- Second, that we are only concerning ourselves with
the physical etheric body and not with its
correspondences on all planes. This is because our system
is on the cosmic etheric levels, and hence is of prime
importance to us.
C.IV.2. Cosmic and Systemic Ethers
For the sake of those who read this treatise, and because
the sequential repetition of fact makes for clarity, let us
here briefly tabulate certain fundamental hypotheses that
have a definite bearing upon the matter in hand, and which
may serve to clear up the present existing confusion
concerning the matter of the solar system. Some of the
facts stated are already well known, others are
inferential, while some are the expression of old and true
correspondences couched in a more modern form
- The lowest cosmic plane is the cosmic physical, and
it is the only one which the finite mind of man can in
any way comprehend.
- This cosmic physical plane exists in matter
differentiated into seven qualities, groups, grades, or
- These seven differentiations are the seven major
planes of our solar system.
For purposes of clarity, we might here tabulate under
the headings physical, systemic, and cosmic, so that the
relationship and the correspondences may be apparent, and
the connection to that which is above, and to that which is
below, or included, may be plainly seen. [118]
52 S. D., I, 136, 354. See also note page No. 8.
53 S. D., 1, 87, 136, 731, 732.
54 Mulaprakriti. The Parabrahmic root, the
abstract deific feminine principle – undifferentiated
substance. Akasha. Literally, "the root of Nature"
(Prakriti), or matter.
55 The monads of the fourth Creative
Hierarchy, the human Monads, exist in three main
- The Monads of Will.
- The Monads of Love.
- The Monads of Activity.
Mahachohan. The officer in our planetary
Hierarchy who presides over the activities carried on in
the four minor rays and their synthesizing third ray. He
has to do with civilization, with the intellectual culture
of the races, and with intelligent energy. He is the head
of all the Adepts.
Bodhisattva. The exponent of second ray force,
the Teacher of the Adepts of men and of Angels. This office
was originally held by the Buddha, but His place was taken
(after His Illumination) by the Christ. The work of the
Bodhisattva is with the religions of the world, and with
the spiritual Essence in Man.
The Manu. The One Who presides over the evolution
of the races. He is the ideal man. He has to work with the
forms through which Spirit is to manifest; he destroys, and
builds up again. These three Individuals preside over the
three Departments into which the Hierarchy is divided, and
therefore represent in their particular sphere the three
Aspects of divine manifestation.
Physical Plane |
Systemic Planes |
Cosmic Planes |
1. Atomic plane, 1st ether |
Divine Adi |
Atomic plane 1st ether |
2. Subatomic |
Monadic Anupadaka The Akasha |
Subatomic 2nd ether |
3. Super-etheric |
Spiritual. Atmic. Ether |
3rd ether |
4. Etheric |
Intuitional Buddhic Air |
4th cosmic ether |
5. Gaseous |
Mental Fire |
Gaseous subetheric |
6. Liquid |
Astral Emotional |
Liquid |
7. Dense physical |
Physical plane |
Dense physical |
- These major seven planes of our solar system being
but the seven subplanes of the cosmic physical plane, we
can consequently see the reason for the emphasis laid by
H. P. B.52,53 upon the fact that matter and
ether are synonymous terms and that this ether is found
in some form or other on all the planes, and is but a
gradation of cosmic atomic matter, called when
undifferentiated mulaprakriti or primordial pregenetic
substance, and when differentiated by Fohat (or the
energizing Life, the third Logos or Brahma) it is termed
prakriti, or matter.54
- Our solar system is what is called a system of the
fourth order; that is, it has its location on the fourth
cosmic etheric plane, counting, as always, from above
downwards. [119]
- Hence this fourth cosmic etheric plane forms the
meeting ground for the past and the future, and is the
- Therefore, also, the buddhic or intuitional plane
(the correspondence in the system of this fourth cosmic
ether) is the meeting ground, or plane of union, for that
which is man and for that which will be superman, and
links the past with that which is to be.
- The following correspondences in time would
repay careful meditation. They are based on a realization
of the relationship between this fourth cosmic ether, the
buddhic plane, and the fourth physical etheric subplane.
- The fourth subplane of mind, the correspondence
on the mental plane of the physical etheric, is
likewise a point of transition from out of a lower
into a higher, and is the transferring locality into
a higher body.
- The fourth subplane of the monadic plane is in a
very real sense the place of transition from off the
egoic ray (whichever that ray may be) on to the
monadic ray; these three major rays are organized on
the three higher subplanes of the monadic plane in
the same way that the three abstract subplanes of the
mental are the group of transference from off the
personality ray on to the egoic.
- The four lesser rays blend with the third major
ray of active intelligence on the mental plane and on
the atmic plane. The four Logoi or planetary Spirits
work as one, on the atmic plane.
- Another synthesis takes place on the synthetic second
ray on the second subplane of the buddhic plane and the
monadic plane, while the comparatively few Monads of will
or power are synthesized on the atomic subplane of the
atmic. All three groups of Monads work in triple form on
the mental plane under the Mahachohan, the Manu, and the
Bodhisattva, or the Christ; on the second or monadic
plane they work as a unit, only demonstrating [120] their
dual work on the atmic plane, and their essential
triplicity on the buddhic plane.55 The fourth
etheric plane holds the key to the dominance of matter,
and it might be noted that:
- On the fourth physical ether man begins to
coordinate his astral, or emotional body, and to
escape at ever more frequent intervals into that
vehicle. Continuity of consciousness is achieved when
a man has mastered the four ethers.
- On the fourth subplane of the mental plane, man
begins to control his causal or egoic body, and to
polarize his consciousness therein until the
polarization is complete. He functions then
consciously on it when he has mastered the
correspondences to the ethers on the mental
- On the buddhic plane (the fourth cosmic ether)
the Heavenly Men (or the grouped consciousness of the
human and deva Monads) begin to function, and to
escape eventually from the cosmic etheric planes.
When these three cosmic ethers are mastered, the
functioning is perfected, polarization is centered in
the monadic vehicles, and the seven Heavenly Men have
achieved Their goal.
- On these etheric levels, therefore, the Logos of our
[121] system repeats, as a grand totality, the
experiences of His tiny reflections on the physical
planes; He coordinates His cosmic astral body, and
attains continuity of consciousness when He has mastered
the three cosmic ethers.
- It is to be observed that just as in man the dense
physical body in its three grades – dense, liquid and
gaseous – is not recognized as a principle, so in the
cosmic sense the physical (dense) astral (liquid) and
mental (gaseous) levels are likewise regarded as
non-existing, and the solar system has its location on
the fourth ether. The seven sacred planets are composed
of matter of this fourth ether, and the seven Heavenly
Men, whose bodies they are, function normally on the
fourth plane of the system, the buddhic or the fourth
cosmic ether. When man has attained the consciousness of
the buddhic plane, he has raised his consciousness to
that of the Heavenly Man in whose body he is a cell. This
is achieved at the fourth Initiation, the liberating
initiation. At the fifth Initiation he ascends with the
Heavenly Man on to the fifth plane (from the human
standpoint), the atmic, and at the sixth he has dominated
the second cosmic ether and has monadic consciousness and
continuity of function. At the seventh Initiation he
dominates the entire sphere of matter contained in the
lowest cosmic plane, escapes from all etheric contact,
and functions on the cosmic astral plane.
The past solar system saw the surmounting of
the three lowest cosmic physical planes viewed from the
matter standpoint and the coordination of the dense
threefold physical form in which all life is found,
dense matter, liquid matter, gaseous matter. A
correspondence may be seen here in the work achieved in
the first three root-races.56, 57 [122]
56 Root-race. The Secret Doctrine teaches
us that in this evolution or Round on this planet the
Jivatma – the human soul – passes through seven main types
or "root-races". In the case of the two earliest of these,
known as the "Adamic" and the "Hyperborean," the forms
ensouled were astral and etheric respectively: "huge and
indefinite" they were with a low state or outward-going
consciousness exercised through the one sense (hearing)
possessed by the first race, or through the two senses
(hearing and touch) possessed by the second. But with the
third race the Lemurian, a denser and more human type was
evolved, this being perfected in the fourth or Atlantean
race. The fifth race, the Aryan, is now running its course
on this globe concurrently with a large part of the fourth
race and a few remnants of the third. For it must be noted
that, although each race gives birth to the succeeding
race, the two will overlap in time, coexisting for many
ages. Of existing peoples the Tartars, Chinese, and
Mongolians belong to the fourth race, the Australian
aborigines and Hottentots to the third.
57 In the coordination of the Monadic, Atmic
and Buddhic vehicles of the Heavenly Man, the vehicles of
spiritual life, the higher esoteric correspondence to the
prana flowing through the lower reflection, the etheric
physical body, the point of synthesis is always on the
atomic subplane, and the six merge and become the seventh.
In this solar system the plane of synthesis is not included
in the evolutionary scheme. It is the plane of gathering in
and of pralaya. In the earlier system the fourth aetheric
was in this position; it was to the evolving units of that
period what the atomic plane is now, the highest point of
achievement. The goal for all was the buddhic plane or the
fourth cosmic ether. Three other planes are the goal now, –
the buddhic, atmic and monadic, each time three planes and
their eventual synthesis. In the future solar system
the cosmic physical atomic ether (the plane of Adi in the
system now) will be the starting point and the three planes
to be dominated will be the three lowest cosmic astral
planes. Man starts in where he leaves off, with cosmic
physical matter perfected. His lowest body, therefore, will
be the monadic or the body of the second cosmic ether. This
will not be then counted as a principle any more than the
threefold lower physical body of present day man is
recognized as a principle.
The present solar system will see the surmounting
of the three next cosmic physical planes, the fourth,
third, and the second aethers, and the coordination of the
cosmic etheric body.
C.IV.3. The Protective Purpose of the Etheric Body
Now let us, after this somewhat lengthy digression, leave
things cosmic and incomprehensible, and come down to
practical evolution, and to the study of the matter of
man's etheric body, and of the harm that may ensue to him
should that body (through the breaking of the law) no
longer perform its protective function. Let us see first of
all what those protective functions are:
- First. The etheric web acts as a separator or
a dividing web between the astral and the dense physical
- Second. It circulates the inflowing vitality
or pranic fluid and carries on its work in three
The first stage is that wherein the pranic fluid and
[123] solar radiations are received, and circulated three
times around the triangle, thence being distributed to the
periphery of the body, animating and vitalizing all the
physical organs and conducing to the automatic subconscious
workings of the body of dense matter. When perfectly
accomplishing its object it protects from disease, and the
ills of the flesh are unknown to the man who absorbs and
distributes prana with accuracy. This hint is recommended
to all physicians, and when properly comprehended, will
result in a basic change in medicine, from a curative to a
preventive foundation.
The second stage is that in which the pranic fluids begin
to blend with the fire at the base of the spine and to
drive that fire slowly upwards, transferring its heat from
the centers below the solar plexus to the three higher
centers – that of the heart, the throat and the head. This
is a long and slow process when left to the unaided force
of nature, but it is just here that (in a few cases) a
quickening of the process is permitted in order to equip
workers in the field of human service. This is the object
of all occult training. This angle of the matter we will
take up in still greater detail when we handle our next
point of "Kundalini and the Spine."
The third stage is that in which active radiatory matter or
prana is blended ever more perfectly with the fire latent
in matter; this results (as will be brought out later) in
certain effects.
It produces a quickening of the normal vibration of the
physical body so that it responds with more readiness to
the higher note of the Ego, and causes a steady rising of
the blending fires through the threefold channel in the
spinal column. In the second stage this vitalizing blended
fire reaches a center between the lower part of the
shoulder blades, which is the point of conjunction, and of
complete merging, of the fire from the base of the [124]
spine and the fire circulating along the pranic triangle.
It will be remembered how one point of this triangle
originates there. When the threefold basic fire and the
threefold pranic fire meet and merge, then evolution
proceeds with greatly increased velocity. This is effected
definitely at the first Initiation when the polarization
becomes fixed in one or other of the three higher centers –
which center being dependent upon a man's ray.
The result of this merging leads to a change in the action
of the centers. They become "wheels turning upon
themselves," and from a purely rotary movement become
fourth dimensional in action, and manifest as radiant
whirling centers of living fire.
The three major head centers (the sequence varying
according to ray) become active and a similar process is
effected between them as was effected in the pranic
triangle. From being three centers that react faintly to
each other's vibratory movement (feeling the warmth and
rhythm of each other, yet separated), the fire leaps from
center to center, and each whirling wheel becomes linked by
a chain of fire till there is a triangle of fire through
which the kundalini and pranic fires radiate back and
forth. Circulation is also carried on. The fire of
kundalini produces the heat of the center, and its intense
radiance and brilliance, while the pranic emanatory fire
produces ever increasing activity and rotation.
As time elapses between the first and fourth Initiation,
the threefold channel in the spine, and the entire etheric
body is gradually cleansed and purified by the action of
the fire till all "dross" (as the Christian expresses it)
is burnt away, and naught remains to impede the progress of
this flame.
As the fire of kundalini and prana proceed with their work,
and the channel becomes more and more cleared, the centers
more active, and the body purer, the flame [125] of spirit,
or the fire from the Ego, comes more actively
downwards till a flame of real brilliance issues
from the top of the head. This flame surges upwards through
the bodies towards its source, the causal body.
Simultaneously with the activity of these fires of matter
and of Spirit, the fires of mind, or manas, burn with
greater intensity. These are the fires given at
individualization. They are fed continuously by the fire of
matter, and their heat is augmented by solar emendatory
fire, which originates on the cosmic levels of mind. It is
this aspect of the manasic fire that develops under the
forms of instinct, animal memory, and functional
recollection which are so apparent in the little evolved
man. As time progresses the fire of mind burns more
brightly and thus reaches a point where it begins to burn
through the etheric web – that portion of the web that can
be found guarding the center at the very top of the head,
and admitting entrance to the downflow from the Spirit. By
its means certain things are brought about: The kundalini
fire is consciously directed and controlled by the mind or
will aspect from the mental plane. The two fires of matter
by the power of the mind of man are blended first with each
other, and, secondly, with the fire of mind.
The united result of this blending is the destruction
(under rule and order), of the etheric web, and the
consequent production of continuity of consciousness and
the admission into the personal life of man of "Life more
abundant," or the third fire of Spirit.
The downrush of Spirit, and the uprising of the inner fires
of matter (controlled and directed by the conscious action
of the fire of mind) produce corresponding results on the
same levels on the astral and mental planes, so that a
paralleling contact is brought about, and the great work of
liberation proceeds in an ordered manner.
The three first initiations see these results perfected,
[126] and lead to the fourth, where the intensity of the
united fires results in the complete burning away of all
barriers, and the liberation of the Spirit by conscious
directed effort from out its threefold lower sheath. Man
has consciously to bring about his own liberation. These
results are self-induced by the man himself, as he is
emancipated from the three worlds, and has broken the wheel
of rebirth himself instead of being broken upon it.
It will be apparent from this elucidation that the
exceeding importance of the etheric vehicle as the
separator of the fires has been brought forward, and
consequently we have brought to our notice the dangers that
must ensue should man tamper injudiciously, ignorantly or
wilfuly with these fires.
Should a man, by the power of will or through an
over-development of the mental side of his character,
acquire the power to blend these fires of matter and to
drive them forward, he stands in danger of obsession,
insanity, physical death, or of dire disease in some part
of his body, and he also runs the risk of an
over-development of the sex impulse through the driving of
the force in an uneven manner upwards, or in forcing its
radiation to undesirable centers. The reason of this is
that the matter of his body is not pure enough to stand the
uniting of the flames, that the channel up the spine is
still clogged and blocked, and therefore acts as a barrier,
turning the flame backwards and downwards, and that the
flame (being united by the power of mind and not being
accompanied by a simultaneous downflow from the plane of
spirit), permits the entrance, through the burning etheric,
of undesirable and extraneous forces, currents, and even
entities. These wreck and tear and ruin what is left of the
etheric vehicle, of the brain tissue and even of the dense
physical body itself.
The unwary man, being unaware of his Ray and therefore of
the proper geometrical form of triangle that is [127] the
correct method of circulation from center to center, will
drive the fire in unlawful progression and thus burn up
tissue; this will result then (if in nothing worse), in a
setting back for several lives of the clock of his
progress, for he will have to spend much time in rebuilding
where he destroyed, and with recapitulating on right lines
all the work to be done.
58 Lost Souls. See
Isis Unveiled, Vol.
II, p. 368; also S. D., I, 255, and S. D., III, 493,
513-516, 521, 525, 527.
59 See S. D., III, 523-529.
If a man persists from life to life in this line of action,
if he neglects his spiritual development and concentrates
on intellectual effort turned to the manipulation of matter
for selfish ends, if he continues this in spite of the
promptings of his inner self, and in spite of the warnings
that may reach him from Those who watch, and if this is
carried on for a long period he may bring upon himself a
destruction that is final for this manvantara or cycle. He
may, by the uniting of the two fires of matter and the dual
expression of mental fire, succeed in the complete
destruction of the physical permanent atom, and thereby
sever his connection with the higher self for aeons of
time. H. P. B. has somewhat touched on this when speaking
of "lost souls";58, 59 we must here emphasize
the reality of this dire disaster and sound a warning note
to those who approach this subject of the fires of matter
with all its latent dangers. The blending of these fires
must be the result of spiritualized knowledge, and must be
directed solely by the Light of the Spirit, who works
through love and is love, and who seeks this unification
and this utter merging not from the point of view of sense
or of material gratification, but because liberation and
purification is desired in order that the higher union with
the Logos may be effected; this union must be desired, not
for selfish ends, but because group perfection is
the goal and scope for greater service to the race must be
achieved. [128]
C.V. Death and the Etheric Body
It is not our purpose to give facts for verification by
science, or even to point the way to the next step onward
for scientific investigators; that we may do so is but
incidental and purely secondary. What we seek mainly is to
give indications of the development and correspondence of
the threefold whole that makes the solar system what it is
– the vehicle through which a great cosmic ENTITY, the
solar Logos, manifests active intelligence with the purpose
in view of demonstrating perfectly the love side of His
nature. Back of this design lies a yet more esoteric and
ulterior purpose, hid in the Will Consciousness of the
Supreme Being, which perforce will be later demonstrated
when the present objective is attained. The dual
alternation of objective manifestation and of subjective
obscuration, the periodic outbreathing, followed by the
inbreathing of all that has been carried forward through
evolution embodies in the system one of the basic cosmic
vibrations, and the keynote of that cosmic ENTITY whose
body we are. The heart beats of the Logos (if it might be
so inadequately expressed) are the source of all cyclic
evolution, and hence the importance attached to that aspect
of development called the "heart" or "love aspect," and the
interest that is awakened by the study of rhythm. This is
true, not only cosmically and macrocosmically, but likewise
in the study of the human unit. Underlying all the physical
sense attached to rhythm, vibration, cycles and heartbeat,
lie their subjective analogies – love, feeling, emotion,
desire, harmony, synthesis and ordered sequence, – and back
of these analogies lies the source of all, the identity of
that Supreme Being Who thus expresses Himself.
Therefore, the study of pralaya, or the withdrawal of the
life from out of the etheric vehicle will be the same [129]
whether one studies the withdrawal of the human etheric
double, the withdrawal of the planetary etheric double, or
the withdrawal of the etheric double of the solar system.
The effect is the same and the consequences similar.
What is the result of this withdrawal, or rather what
causes that something which we call death or pralaya? As we
are strictly pursuing the textbook style in this treatise,
we will continue our methods of tabulation. The withdrawal
of the etheric double of a man, a planet, and a system is
brought about by the following causes:
a. The cessation of desire. This should be the
result of all evolutionary process. True death, under the
law, is brought about by the attainment of the objective,
and hence by the cessation of aspiration. This, as the
perfected cycle draws to its close, will be true of the
individual human being, of the Heavenly Man, and of the
Logos Himself.
b. By the slowing down and gradual cessation of the cyclic
rhythm, the adequate vibration is achieved, and the
work accomplished. When the vibration or note is perfectly
felt or sounded it causes (at the point of synthesis with
other vibrations) the utter shattering of the forms.
Motion is characterized, as we know, by three qualities:
- Inertia,
- Mobility,
- Rhythm.
These three are experienced in just the above sequence
and presuppose a period of slow activity, succeeded by one
of extreme movement. This middle period produces
incidentally (as the true note and rate is sought) cycles
of chaos, of experiment, of experience and of
comprehension. Following on these two degrees of motion
(which are characteristic of the atom, Man, of the Heavenly
Man [130] or group, and of the Logos or the Totality) comes
a period of rhythm and of stabilization wherein the point
of balance is achieved. By the force of balancing the pairs
of opposites, and thus producing equilibrium, pralaya is
the inevitable sequence.
c. By the severing of the physical from the subtler
body on the inner planes, through the shattering of the
web. This has a threefold effect:
First. The life that had animated the physical form
(both dense and etheric) and which had its starting point
in the permanent atom and from thence "pervaded the moving
and the unmoving" (in God, the Heavenly Man, and the human
being, as well as in the atom of matter) is withdrawn
entirely within the atom upon the plane of abstraction.
This "plane of abstraction" is a different one for the
entities involved:
- For the physical permanent atom, it is the atomic
- For man, it is the causal vehicle.
- For the Heavenly Man, it is the second plane of
monadic life, His habitat.
- For the Logos, it is the plane of Adi.
All these mark the points for the disappearance of the
unit into pralaya. We need here to remember that it is
always pralaya when viewed from below. From the higher
vision, that sees the subtler continuously over-shadowing
the dense when not in objective manifestation, pralaya is
simply subjectivity, and is not that "which is not," but
simply that which is esoteric.
Second. The etheric double of a man, a planetary
Logos, and a solar Logos, being shattered, becomes
non-polarized as regards its indweller, and permits
therefore of escape. It is (to word it otherwise) no longer
a source of attraction, nor a focal magnetic point. It
becomes non-magnetic, and the great Law of Attraction
ceases to [131] control it; hence disintegration is the
ensuing condition of the form. The Ego ceases to be
attracted by its form on the physical plane, and,
proceeding to inbreathe, withdraws its life from out of the
sheath. The cycle draws to a close, the experiment has been
made, the objective (a relative one from life to life and
from incarnation to incarnation) has been achieved, and
there remains nothing more to desire; the Ego, or the
thinking entity, loses interest therefore in the form, and
turns his attention inward. His polarization changes, and
the physical is eventually dropped.
The planetary Logos likewise in His greater cycle (the
synthesis or the aggregate of the tiny cycles of the cells
of His body) pursues the same course; He ceases to be
attracted downward or outward, and turns His gaze within;
He gathers inward the aggregate of the smaller lives within
His body, the planet, and severs connection. Outer
attraction ceases and all gravitates towards the center
instead of scattering to the periphery of His body.
In the system, the same process is followed by the solar
Logos; from His high place of abstraction, He ceases to be
attracted by His body of manifestation. He withdraws His
interest and the two pairs of opposites, the spirit and the
matter of the vehicle, dissociate. With this dissociation
the solar system, that "Son of Necessity," or of desire,
ceases to be, and passes out of objective existence.
Third. This leads finally, to the scattering of the
atoms of the etheric body into their primordial condition.
The subjective life, the synthesis of will and love taking
active form, is withdrawn. The partnership is dissolved.
The form then breaks up; the magnetism that has held it in
coherent shape is no longer present, and dissipation is
complete. Matter persists, but the form no longer persists.
The work of the second Logos ends, and the divine [132]
incarnation of the Son is concluded. But the faculty or
inherent quality of matter also persists, and at the end of
each period of manifestation, matter (though distributed
again into its primal form) is active intelligent matter
plus the gain of objectivity, and the increased radiatory
and latent activity which it has gained through experience.
Let us illustrate: The matter of the solar system, when
undifferentiated, was active intelligent matter, and that
is all that can be predicated of it. This active
intelligent matter was matter qualified by an earlier
experience, and colored by an earlier incarnation. Now this
matter is in form, the solar system is not in pralaya but
in objectivity, – this objectivity having in view the
addition of another quality to the logoic content, that of
love and wisdom. Therefore at the next solar pralaya, at
the close of the one hundred years of Brahma, the matter of
the solar system will be colored by active intelligence,
and by active love. This means literally that the aggregate
of solar atomic matter will eventually vibrate to another
key than it did at the first dawn of manifestation.
We can work this out in connection with the planetary Logos
and the human unit, for the analogy holds good. We have a
correspondence on a tiny scale in the fact that each human
life period sees a man taking a more evolved physical body
of a greater responsiveness, tuned to a higher key, of more
adequate refinement, and vibrating to a different measure.
In these three thoughts lies much information, if they are
carefully studied and logically extended.